Michelle Bishop


December 4, 2017

Performed at: Gymnastics Class
Description: strength
Results: 90m 00s
Performed as RX

31 similar workouts

Date Name WorkoutDescription Results
01/14/2020 Strength:
build to a heavy power clean and push jerk: built to 110

WOD: heavy Grace (30 C&J) @ 125
I did 85 lbs and wasn't feeling to ambitious;
did it in 4:45
regular Grace is at 95lbs--should try that next time
4m 45s
Workout Scaled
01/06/2020 Strength:
build to a heavy back squat x 8 (built to 115)

back squat (65)--picked this weight to go unbroken, could have gone heavier I think
strict HSPU (did pike pushups from 20inch box, with knees on box, focused on keeping elbows in)
7m 45s
Workout Scaled
12/30/2019 Strength:
build to a heavy power clean and push jerk--105 (failed 115)

3 power clean and jerk (85)
10 pushups (full)
12-15 box jump overs (15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 15)
21m 00s
Workout Scaled
12/11/2019 Strength:
Deadlift: 3x3 at same weight--185 (approx 80% of 1RM)

WOD: (7-8 min cap)
3 rds
15 d/l (155/225)--I did 125, first set unbroken then sets of 5
15 T2B--did knees up keeping legs straight, focusing on using shoulders
5m 37s
Workout Scaled
12/10/2019 Strength:
10EMOM handstand walk--practiced bear crawl; wall walk shoulder taps

75 DUs (I did sets of 20-30 followed by singles)
25 front squats (35/45)--35
15 strict press (35/45)--35
10 BJs (24/30)--I did 20
5 BMU--I did quasi jumping pullups (strict)
completed 3 rounds + 100 reps
3 rounds 100 reps
Workout Scaled
12/09/2019 Strength:
build to a heavy complex:
1 power clean+1hang power clean+ 2 split jerks
built to 90

push press (95/135)--I totally sucked at this today, started at 65 and had to decrease to 55 halfway thru the set of 15
burpee over bar
I finished pretty much last! 8:51
8m 51s
Workout Scaled
12/03/2019 Strength:
build to a heavy 3 rep touch and go clean & push jerk
built to 85

WOD: (20 min cap)
3 rds
21C2B--did jumping pullups/C2B
21HSPU--did pike pushups from 20" box, with knees on box, focused on keeping elbows in
21 C&J (65/95)--did 55 and still found it hard
instead of 21/21/21 reps for each round did 21/15/15
16m 14s
Workout Scaled
10/29/2019 Strength:
10-8-6-4-2 strict press from rack
built to 70 (did 10-8-6 at 55 to keep back from arching)

strict press--started at 55, but at set of 12 was getting too difficult to do more than 2 at at time, so stripped to empty bar
T2B (did high knee raises)

got to set of 18 (9 of 18 knee raises)
117 reps
Workout Scaled
10/28/2019 Strength:
build to a heavy 1 rep power snatch--built to 80

3 x hang power snatch at 85% of above--65
10-15 pullups -- I did ring rows (meant to be unbroken)
16m 00s
Workout Scaled
09/24/2019 12 amrap
15 wallballs (10)
30-40 single unders
First day back after moms passing. Just want to move
Did 10 rounds

Build to a heavy 3 rep box squat
Built to115 felt good
450 reps
Workout Scaled
09/10/2019 20 EMOM
row 10 call
pullup practice (mostly banded pullups); a few kipping at beginning then got tired

1 squat snatch + 1 hang squat snatch
only built to 65 as the rep at 70 twinged my L shoulder

Prior 1
ran 1km on treadmill at gym
20m 00s
Performed as RX
01/02/2018 Strength:
3 sets @ 70% (65lbs)
1 power snatch
2 snatch balance
1 squat snatch

12 min AMRAP
1 squat snatch (155/105)--65
3 C&J (155/105)--65
30 DUs
6 rounds 24 reps
Workout Scaled
12/31/2017 Open gym:
5x3 reps overhead squats at 85

with Jen M
3 rds
1 min ski
2 min row
3 min bike
1 min rest
20m 00s
Performed as RX
12/29/2017 Strength:
10 min EMOM
3 strict MU--did 3 progressions on rings

on a 12 min clock, 4 rounds of:
1 min 35 lb KB snatch
1 min situps
1 min lunges
301 reps
Performed as RX
12/28/2017 Strength
deadlift 4 sets of 1 rep at 80% or higher
built to 215--matches 1RM

3 rounds for time:
21 wall balls--14
15 T2B--knee raises
9 deadlift (275/185)--did 135 (intent was to go unbroken in deadlifts
7m 12s
Workout Scaled
12/27/2017 Strength:
8 min EMOM
5 power cleans--95

20 min AMRAP
20 cal row
20 burpees
20 power cleans--85
started on the cleans, completed 4 rounds and 3 cal row
4 rounds 23 reps
Performed as RX
12/04/2017 strength 90m 00s
Performed as RX
11/28/2017 Strength:
Back squat:
1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1--built to 140

WOD: 15 min cap
5 rounds
25 back squats--55
50 DUs--did combo of DUs and singles
very tough wod!
13m 50s
Workout Scaled
11/23/2017 Strength:
work up to a max muscle snatch--65

3 rounds for time:
30 burpees to a target
30 clean and jerk--65
30 T2B--knee raises
completed 2 rounds and 20 clean and jerk approx
230 reps
Workout Scaled
11/22/2017 Strength:
3 x max effort seated DB press
used 20s, 14 reps per set max

20 min AMRAP (sprint rounds with Lauren)
150 ft farmer carry
100 ft overhead carry
50 ft front rack lunge
used 25 lb weights I think
13 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
11/21/2017 Strength:
build to a heavy power clean and push jerk--built to 105

WOD: Cindy/Clean and Jerk
15 rounds of
5 pullups--jumping
10 pushups--scaled to 5
15 air squats
1 clean and jerk--95--surprised myself with this weight, managed to stay with it through whole wod
not sure of time--likely 25 min
25m 00s
Workout Scaled
11/20/2017 Strength:
3 x3 front squats at 80%--115
1 set of 4 reps at 20% with 12 sec up and 12 sec down--empty bar

12 min EMOM
21 cal row--10-12 cal
21 wall balls--picked 10 lbs and did 3 rounds of 21, then had to go down to 15 for the last 3
115 lbs
Performed as RX
10/26/2017 Strength:
3 singles starting at 80% of 1RM
built to 75

10 min EMOM
20 GHD--did 10
20 air squats -- fast paced
10m 00s
Workout Scaled
10/11/2017 Strength:
Deadlift x5 touch and go--built to 155

5 rounds (15 min cap)
60 DUs
15 DL--125
this was a very tough wod, esp the DUs, had to do single unders for 2 rounds
12m 57s
Workout Scaled
09/26/2017 Skill:
front squat
3-3-3 at 75-80% of 1RM--did 105 (78% of 135)

WOD (20 min cap)
5 rounds for time
12 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
5 rope climbs 15 ft--did 3 rope climbs for 3 rds, then did rope climbs to 10 ft (had no strength left!)
first time I did all box jump overs with bent knees
19m 40s
Workout Scaled
09/15/2017 Strength
55, 60, 65, 85, 95

20 thrusters (35/45)--35
40 DUs
totally sucked at the DUs but stayed with them
so did alot less than most people
3 rounds 25 reps
Performed as RX
09/06/2017 Strength:
Build to 1RM hang squat clean--built to 120

WOD: (15 min cap)
100 squat clean thrusters (65/95)--45
13m 25s
Workout Scaled
07/27/2017 Workout:
12 min AMRAP
60 double unders--found these hard
30 Front squats (75/55)--55 lbs

10 rounds (every 90 seconds)
5 Push Jerks
*from the floor, athlete chooses the weight and increases every round--started with empty bar and increased to 90 lbs by end
2 rounds 25 reps
Performed as RX
07/17/2017 Strength
Push Press
3-3-3--built to 85, did 3 sets at that weight

For time: Kyle gave us a time cap of 20 min, 6am crew only had 15 min so many didn't finish at that time
50 jumping alternating lunges,50 steps
50 pull-ups--ring rows
50 push presses, 95 lb./65 lb.--55 (still hard!!)
50 hip extensions
50 burpees
16m 22s
Workout Scaled
03/01/2017 Did the basics class with Trish, then stuck around and did the skill/strength part in the next class::

Basics WOD:
3 power cleans at 85
6 push-ups (found these hard for some reason, did most rounds from the knees)
completed 9 rounds and 3 cleans (84 reps)

Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3--did the 5 sets at 95, 100 (tough)
84 reps
Performed as RX
03/01/2016 Skill:
Deadlift --did 3 sets at 105, 2 sets at 125

WOD: 16 min time cap
30 Deadlifts (225/155)--105 lbs
50 Push Ups -- mostly from knees
50 Hang Power Cleans (95/135)--65 lbs
30 Dips -- used both green and red bands depending on strength
13m 30s
Workout Scaled