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Athlete Date Location Workout Name Description ResultsSort
Tracey Day 11/15/2017 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 11/15/2017 4 Rounds for Time
15 Pull ups
15 Wall Balls 20/14lbs

Post time!
LVL1M: 2 rounds, mod pull ups, low target
LVL1: mod pull ups, low target
LVL2: mod pull ups
LVL3: Rx'd
6m 05s
Workout Scaled
Karen Byers 11/15/2017 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 5 Minutes x 3
Rest 2:00

5 Squat Snatch 135/95lbs
10 CTB Pull Ups

Beginner: 3 Wall Walks or :20 HS Hold; 75/45 Hip Squat Snatch; 10 Ring Rows
Intermediate: 4-6 HSPU; 105/70; 8-10 Pullups or 4-6 C2B
Advanced: Rx

Scale the gymnastics so they can be completed in 2 sets or less each time. Target is to complete 2+ rounds each time.

Continue where you leave off each AMRAP
5 rounds 15 reps
Workout Scaled
Karen Byers 11/15/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Push Press
4x4 @ 80%+
Go heavier than week 10/18/2017
95 lbs
Performed as RX
Thomas Marchione 11/15/2017 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 5 Minutes x 3
Rest 2:00

5 Squat Snatch 135/95lbs
10 CTB Pull Ups

Beginner: 3 Wall Walks or :20 HS Hold; 75/45 Hip Squat Snatch; 10 Ring Rows
Intermediate: 4-6 HSPU; 105/70; 8-10 Pullups or 4-6 C2B
Advanced: Rx

Scale the gymnastics so they can be completed in 2 sets or less each time. Target is to complete 2+ rounds each time.

Continue where you leave off each AMRAP
3 rounds 9 reps
Workout Scaled
Thomas Marchione 11/15/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Push Press
4x4 @ 80%+
Go heavier than week 10/18/2017
145 lbs
Performed as RX
Drew McKay 11/15/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Push Press
4x4 @ 80%+
Go heavier than week 10/18/2017
155-160-160-165 lbs
Performed as RX
Drew McKay 11/15/2017 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 5 Minutes x 3
Rest 2:00

5 Squat Snatch 135/95lbs
10 CTB Pull Ups

Beginner: 3 Wall Walks or :20 HS Hold; 75/45 Hip Squat Snatch; 10 Ring Rows
Intermediate: 4-6 HSPU; 105/70; 8-10 Pullups or 4-6 C2B
Advanced: Rx

Scale the gymnastics so they can be completed in 2 sets or less each time. Target is to complete 2+ rounds each time.

Continue where you leave off each AMRAP
5 rounds 22 reps
Workout Scaled
Seth Johnson 11/15/2017 Old City CrossFit Front Squat Front squat 3-3-3-3
185-195-215-235 lbs
Performed as RX
Seth Johnson 11/15/2017 Old City CrossFit 5 rounds, Every 90 seconds For 5 rounds, Every 90 seconds, do
2 Power cleans
2 Front squats
2 Push press
2 Thrusters
2 Clusters

Rx = 115/75, and holding onto the bar for all 10 reps
95 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 11/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Squat Clean

Warm Up
4x2 @ 60-70%
w/ pause at knee
drop and reset


7x1 @ 82.5-92.5%
245-255-265-275-280-280f-280-280f-280 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 11/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None For Time
60/50 Calorie Row
30 Power Cleans 150/100lbs

Time Cap: 8 minutes

Beginner: 50/40 Cal; 95/65;
Intermediate: 135/85
Advanced: Rx
4m 30s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 11/16/2017 Sheepdog CrossFit Coffland Hang from a pull-up bar for 6 minutes
Each time you drop from the bar, perform:
800-m run
30 push-ups
24m 21s
Performed as RX
Scott Anderson 11/16/2017 Sheepdog CrossFit None 100-75-50-25 rep Rounds:
4-ct Flutterkicks
Leg Levers
23m 12s
Performed as RX
Paul Greenhalgh 11/16/2017 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 11/16/2017 Row
2 x Cover Max distance in 6min
2min Rest between.

Post total distance of each row added together.
2,914 m
Performed as RX
Douglas Tomich 11/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None For Time
60/50 Calorie Row
30 Power Cleans 150/100lbs

Time Cap: 8 minutes

Beginner: 50/40 Cal; 95/65;
Intermediate: 135/85
Advanced: Rx
5m 10s
Workout Scaled
Matt Lyle 11/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None For time:
Bike 6000/5000m
At minute 1:00 get off and perform 1 Kettlebell Swing, at minute 2:00 get off and perform 2 kettlebell swings, continue adding one swing per minute.
12m 54s
Performed as RX
Robert Greer 11/16/2017 RifTribe Grinder 12-Thrusters 75lb/45lb
15-Thrusters 75lb/45lb
18-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
20-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
22-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
11m 38s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/16/2017 RifTribe Grinder 12-Thrusters 75lb/45lb
15-Thrusters 75lb/45lb
18-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
20-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
22-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
13m 15s
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 11/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Squat Clean

Warm Up
4x2 @ 60-70%
w/ pause at knee
drop and reset


7x1 @ 82.5-92.5%
90 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 11/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None For Time
60/50 Calorie Row
30 Power Cleans 150/100lbs

Time Cap: 8 minutes

Beginner: 50/40 Cal; 95/65;
Intermediate: 135/85
Advanced: Rx
8m 05s
Workout Scaled
Darren Madill 11/16/2017 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 11/16/2017 Row
2 x Cover Max distance in 6min
2min Rest between.

Post total distance of each row added together.
3,015 m
Performed as RX
Drew McKay 11/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Squat Clean

Warm Up
4x2 @ 60-70%
w/ pause at knee
drop and reset


7x1 @ 82.5-92.5%
195 lbs
Performed as RX
Drew McKay 11/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None For Time
60/50 Calorie Row
30 Power Cleans 150/100lbs

Time Cap: 8 minutes

Beginner: 50/40 Cal; 95/65;
Intermediate: 135/85
Advanced: Rx
6m 03s
Workout Scaled
Seth Johnson 11/16/2017 Old City CrossFit 25 min AMRAP 25 min AMRAP
15/10 cal Bike
20 Walking lunges (total)
15 Pull ups
10 Burpee dball shoulder 100/60
3 rounds 55 reps
Workout Scaled
Karin Shum 11/16/2017 RifTribe Grinder 12-Thrusters 75lb/45lb
15-Thrusters 75lb/45lb
18-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
20-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
22-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
19m 38s
Performed as RX