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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Chris Torrence 09/06/2019 Farm Fitness None 7 Rounds of:
7 Kipping Pullups
14 Burpees
21 Air Squats
14m 36s
Performed as RX
Eli Hines 09/06/2019 Farm Fitness None 7 Rounds of:
7 Kipping Pullups
14 Burpees
21 Air Squats
14m 21s
Performed as RX
Ashley Ryll 09/06/2019 CFV 9.6.19 Tabata double unders

Partner workout
17:00 AMRAP
200 m run
25 wall balls
20 toes to bar
Alternate movements with your partner
7 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 09/05/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 16-14-12-10-8 reps for time of:
Pull-ups, strict
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Men: Two 50-lb. Dumbbells
Women: Two 35-lb. Dumbbells
18m 39s
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 09/05/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 12 Minute AMRAP
500m Row
20 Alt. DB Snatches (50/35)
5 Lateral Burpee Over Rower
6 Minute Rest
12 Minute AMRAP
400m Run
20 American KB Swings (50/35)
10 Goblet Squats (50/35)
5 rounds 520 reps
Performed as RX
Paul Greenhalgh 09/05/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 09/05/2019 Run or Row
Rest is 1:1 rest for as long as it took for the interval.

Post fastest interval.
1m 18s
Performed as RX
mike pace 09/05/2019 madera so #603Simple like kutz. 8 db curls
8 close grip bench
8 db shoulder
8 wide grip push up

15m 00s
Performed as RX
Joey Schlaffer 09/05/2019 Crossfit 1525 09.05.19 Every 4 Minutes x 5 Rounds:
6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
9 Toes to Bar
12 Deadlifts (225/155)
15/12 Calorie Bike
5m 47s
Performed as RX
Robert Greer 09/05/2019 RifTribe Thursday WOD Part A (12 min): 1RM Push press

Part B:
60-Plate to Overhead
50-Push press (55% of above weight)
40-Plate overhead Reverse Lunges
12m 22s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 09/05/2019 RifTribe Thursday WOD Part A (12 min): 1RM Push press

Part B:
60-Plate to Overhead
50-Push press (55% of above weight)
40-Plate overhead Reverse Lunges
16m 00s
Performed as RX
Seth Johnson 09/05/2019 Old City CrossFit Thruster Thruster 3-3-3 135-145-155 lbs
Performed as RX
Seth Johnson 09/05/2019 Old City CrossFit 4 RFT 12 SDLHP (95/65)
12 Dips
12 Push press (95/65)
10m 17s
Workout Scaled
Gretchen P 09/05/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 30 min AMRAP
5 deadlifts at 125 lbs
10 knees to elbows
15 HR push-ups
400 m run
5 rounds 28 reps
Performed as RX
Kenny Shaevel 09/05/2019 Vintage CrossFit None Misfit Snatch Complex 2.0
Every :90 for 9 Minutes
2 Reps @ 70%+ of 1RM

Squat Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
75 lbs
Performed as RX
Kenny Shaevel 09/05/2019 Vintage CrossFit None 3 Rounds
10 Power Cleans 95/65lbs
10 Thrusters 95/65lbs
50' Handstand Walk
Rest 3:00

Beginner: 100' Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry or 4 Wall Walks; 65/35
Intermediate: 80/50; 30 Handstand Hand Lifts or Shoulder Taps
Advanced: Rx
Competitor: 15 PC + 15 Thrusters
13m 23s
Workout Scaled
Chris Torrence 09/05/2019 Farm Fitness None Partner workout
15:00 AMRAP
Box Jump Overs @ 24
Power Clean @ 75#
Shoulder to Overhead
Alternate complete rounds with partner
13 rounds 24 reps
Performed as RX
Chris Torrence 09/05/2019 Farm Fitness None Partner workout
15:00 AMRAP
Box Jump Overs @ 24
Power Clean @ 75#
Shoulder to Overhead
Alternate complete rounds with partner
13 rounds 24 reps
Performed as RX
Eli Hines 09/05/2019 Farm Fitness None Partner workout
15:00 AMRAP
Box Jump Overs @ 24
Power Clean @ 75#
Shoulder to Overhead
Alternate complete rounds with partner
13 rounds 24 reps
Performed as RX
Valerie Blyleven 09/04/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 09/04/2019 12min AMRAP of:
400-m run
15 body-weight deadlifts

Post rounds and reps. Run counts as 1 rep.
Scale as needed.

3 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Fiona Alford 09/04/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 09/04/2019 12min AMRAP of:
400-m run
15 body-weight deadlifts

Post rounds and reps. Run counts as 1 rep.
Scale as needed.

3 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Scott Anderson 09/04/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None For time:
0 - 10:00: Row 2000m, then max clean and jerks 95#
10 - 13:00: Rest
13 - 20:00: Row 1000m, then max thrusters 95#
20 - 23:00: Rest
23 - 27:00: Row 500m, then max wallballs
67 reps
Performed as RX
Toni Smith 09/04/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 09/04/2019 12min AMRAP of:
400-m run
15 body-weight deadlifts

Post rounds and reps. Run counts as 1 rep.
Scale as needed.

4 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
mike pace 09/04/2019 madera so #602Cross eyed bitch. 3 RFT

100m row
8 db curls
8 db rows
100m row
8 bench
8 plate raises

9-4-19me=10:05, a rod= 10:15
10m 05s
Performed as RX
Sheryl Ferris-Little 09/04/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 09/04/2019 12min AMRAP of:
400-m run
15 body-weight deadlifts

Post rounds and reps. Run counts as 1 rep.
Scale as needed.

2 rounds 5 reps
Performed as RX
Joey Schlaffer 09/04/2019 Crossfit 1525 09.04.19 For Time:
50/35 Calorie Row
3 Rounds of Kelly
50/35 Calorie Row

***1 Round of Kelly:
400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Wallballs 20/14#
23m 25s
Performed as RX