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Andrea Pasik 03/01/2016 X-FIT Tabata Crunches 20 segundos de ejercicio x 10 segundos de descanso (completar 8 rondas):

108 reps
Performed as RX
Andrea Pasik 03/05/2016 X-FIT Por tiempo #2 Por tiempo, 5 rondas del siguiente circuito:

10 Thrusters (Slo con la barra)
8 Walk Out
21m 00s
Performed as RX
Andrea Pasik 03/05/2016 X-FIT Death by Burpees With a continuously running clock do one Burpees the first minute, two burpees the second minute, three burpees the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

10 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Emily Rose 07/14/2014 X 14 July 2014 12 min, EMOM one set
Power clean front squat squat clean, 90 lb

1000m row
Front squat 65 lb
Kb swing 26 lb
150 single unders
20m 15s
Performed as RX
Valerie J Scott 06/07/2014 WW None I RM Power Snatch 80 lbs
Performed as RX
Jason Young 03/04/2017 Wrong Burpees Push up - Squat - Jumping Jack 45 reps
Performed as RX
Cathy Rinck 06/13/2015 WPT GR Marathon Training 6 mile easy run 60m 11s
Performed as RX
Cathy Rinck 06/11/2015 WPT GR Marathon Training 4 mile tempo/race pace 39m 52s
Performed as RX
Cathy Rinck 06/27/2015 WPT GR Marathon Training 8 miles - 1:21:34
average pace: 10:12/mile
1h 21m 34s
Performed as RX
Cathy Rinck 06/25/2015 WPT GR Marathon Training 6 miles

10:44/mile average pace
1h 4m 22s
Performed as RX
Amy Cryan 10/01/2014 WPB None For Time

40 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (ring rows)

20 Back Squats 225/145, 185/125 (87)

1 Mile Run

rest 10 minutes

2 Rounds for Time

800 Meter Run

3 Rope Climbs (ring rows)
40m 24s
Workout Scaled
Amy Cryan 10/06/2014 WPB 10.6.14 A: Front Squat 2 reps x 6 sets; rest 2:30 (85lb)

B: DB Single Arm Bent Over Row 10 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 min

C: For Time:
50 x Wall Balls (10lb)
Cleans x 30 reps (55)
15 x MU**
(sub 45 ring rows & 45 box dips)
13m 07s
Workout Scaled
Amy Cryan 10/08/2014 WPB 10.8.14 A: Strength Week 1 Day 2 (back squat 87)

B: EMOM 30 minutes
1: CTB Pull Ups x 10 / Inverted ring row x 12 (12 ring rows)

2: 30 feet (5 mats) HS Walk / HS Shoulder Taps x 20 (20 Box shoulder taps)

3: Run 100m
30m 00s
Workout Scaled
Justin Bombard 01/09/2015 World Gym Rochester NY 21-15-9 21-15-9
Hang cleans, 115#
GHD sit-ups"
6m 28s
Performed as RX
Rody Hofkes 07/15/2015 workgym crossfit 3 rounds for time
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
013m 15s
Performed as RX
Matthew Snow 01/25/2016 Work/Play Crossfit 1 Rep Backsquat Testing A) Back Squat (1 rep Max Test)

(10)45, (8)135, (5)185, (5)205, (3)225, (1)245, (1)265

Back Squat 1RM: 265

B) 5 min Clock
Row 500m
AMRAP Air Squats (w/ remaining time)

40 Air squats performed

1RM: 265 lbs
Performed as RX
Matthew Sumpter 06/20/2013 Work Gym 130619 Hang power clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps 80-85-90-100-110-120(2)-110 lbs
Performed as RX
Marc Vermette 03/13/2012 Work None Deadlift 1
Push up 1
Add rep every minute, until failure
20m 00s
Performed as RX
makana ahina 07/01/2013 WORK TREADMILL RUNNING Run on treadmill for 20 minutes, varying speed and incline. 30m 00s
Performed as RX
Kevin Durkin 04/04/2014 Work None Bench press 3X5. 85kg
Body row 3x8


5 rounds for time

500m row
5 pull-ups
8 KB swings 20kg
16m 05s
Performed as RX
Denis R. 06/23/2014 Work Charlie brown None 18m 19s
Performed as RX
Michelle Bishop 08/12/2016 Work 400m repeats Run 400m repeats (lunch time workout at work)
took 1:30-2:00 min walking breaks
1: 2:05 for 400m 5:13 pace
2: 2:10 for 400m 5:25 pace
3: 2:15 for 430m 5:13 pace
4: 2:11 for 410m 5:19 pace
5: 2:11 for 400m 5:28 pace
6: 2:01 for 400m 5:03 pace
7: 2:03 for 400m 5:08 pace
8: 2:02 for 410m 4:57 pace
9: 2:04 for 400m 5:10 pace
40m 00s
Performed as RX
Michelle Bishop 10/12/2016 Work None Did a bootcamp lunch hour class for fun
3 rounds with 45-60 sec at each station:
bicep curls
jumping jacks
plank on bosu ball with alternating knee touches to ball
battle ropes
high knees with intermittent burpee
kettlebell squats
sidestepping between cones
25m 00s
Performed as RX
Michelle Bishop 02/27/2017 Work None Run at lunch:
10 and 1s approx 5k
ran to Mom's place along canal, said hi then ran back to work
30m 00s
Performed as RX
Michelle Bishop 08/29/2017 Work None Run 4k at lunch 25m 00s
Performed as RX