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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Rocky Skocik 12/28/2011 CrossFit Eclipse Bear Complex 5 rounds for load
7 cycles of:
power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press

*touch and go, no regripping
135 lbs
Performed as RX
Gary Abramson 12/28/2011 CrossFit ATP WOD WU:

5 rounds:

Ring pull-ups 10 reps
Thrusters 10 reps (F65/M95)
Double Unders 30

19m 17s
Workout Scaled
Todd Fanning 12/28/2011 CrossFit Harford None Run 1 mile
50 body blasters (burpee,pull-up,knees to elbows)
for time
17m 45s
Performed as RX
Luke Chamblee 12/28/2011 Crossfit 27:17 KB/Burpee 21-15-9 70 lb KB 3m 59s
Performed as RX
tina keener 12/28/2011 CrossFit Harford Resolutions Run 1 mile
50 body blasters (burpee,pull-up,knees to elbows)
for time
29m 21s
Performed as RX
Susanne Sanchez 12/28/2011 None WOD WU:

5 rounds:

Ring pull-ups 10 reps
Thrusters 10 reps (F65/M95)
Double Unders 30

23m 29s
Performed as RX
christopher duncan 12/28/2011 Crossfit Harford Karen For time:
150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
6m 52s
Workout Scaled
David Agudelo 12/28/2011 Crossfit ATP WOD 5 rounds:

Ring pull-ups 10 reps
Thrusters 10 reps (F65/M95)
Double Unders 30

22m 17s
Performed as RX
Bob Nantz 12/28/2011 CrossFit Eclipse Bear Complex 5 rounds for load
7 cycles of:
power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press

*touch and go, no regripping
105 lbs
Performed as RX
Brogan Cyrzon 12/28/2011 None Casedilla 3 rounds, 1 rep first round, 2 the 2nd, 3 the 3rd
15' rope climb
32" box jump
Monkey bar run
Bench press 100kg
Deadlift 160kg
12m 04s
Performed as RX
Myles Hodder 12/28/2011 CrossFit Wanganui 111026 Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
3 Wall climbs
10 Up-downs
5 Parallette pass-throughs (forward back = 1)
10 Grasshoppers (right left = 1)

For the wall climbs, toes and chest touch the ground to toes and chest touch the wall. For the up-downs, thighs touch the ground then stand up fully. For the pass-throughs, the hips open at the front and back. For the grasshoppers, the shin contacts the opposite forearm.
8 rounds 1 reps
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 12/28/2011 Back Squat 5X3 Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps 255-265-275-280-265 lbs
Performed as RX
Scott Anderson 12/28/2011 None 12 min AMRAP:
10 HR Pushup
15 Situp
20m Walking Lunges
7 rounds 29 reps
Performed as RX
Joker 12/28/2011 Sheepdog CrossFit None 5 Rounds
Run x 100 Meters
Box Jump 24 Inches x 10 Reps
Sit Ups x 10 Reps
Air Squat x 10 Reps

10m 10s
Performed as RX
C Drake 12/28/2011 Sheepdog CrossFit Lynne Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
81 reps
Performed as RX
Robyn Wolverton 12/27/2011 Crossfit H-town None 5 3-minute rounds of:
Row 500m then max Thrusters 155/105lb

Rest 3-minutes between rounds

Score if number of Thrusters completed
0 rounds 16 reps
Workout Scaled
Jackie Geewax 12/27/2011 Crossfit H-town None 5 3-minute rounds of:
Row 500m then max Thrusters 155/105lb

Rest 3-minutes between rounds

Score if number of Thrusters completed
0 rounds 12 reps
Workout Scaled
Coach Acie N 12/27/2011 Crossfit H-town None 5 3-minute rounds of:
Row 500m then max Thrusters 155/105lb

Rest 3-minutes between rounds

Score if number of Thrusters completed
0 rounds 26 reps
Workout Scaled
Aaron Schupp 12/27/2011 CrossFit Eclipse back squat 3 RM None 255 lbs
Performed as RX
Aaron Schupp 12/27/2011 CrossFit Eclipse Diane 21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups
4m 55s
Performed as RX
Rich Case 12/27/2011 Carrollton Kettlebell 111227 Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
135 pound Hang power snatch, 6 reps
135 pound Overhead squat, 3 reps
7m 49s
Workout Scaled
Melisa O'Quinn 12/27/2011 CrossFit Lake Mary None 2 rounds of:

3 min AMRAP (Completed Rounds)
Shuttle run (40 yds)
Rest 1 min
3 min AMRAP
8 OH Squats F45/M85
8 Box Jumps F20/M24
25 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Keith Iazzetti 12/27/2011 CrossFit Lake Mary None 2 rounds of:

3 min AMRAP (Completed Rounds)
Shuttle run (40 yds)
Rest 1 min
3 min AMRAP
8 OH Squats F45/M85
8 Box Jumps F20/M24
12 rounds 2 reps
Workout Scaled
Brooke Schupp 12/27/2011 CrossFit Eclipse back squat 3 RM None 173 lbs
Performed as RX
Brooke Schupp 12/27/2011 CrossFit Eclipse Diane 21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups
10m 53s
Workout Scaled