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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Anthony Rowe 01/11/2012 CrossFit ATP Nancy WU

50-40-30-20 and10 rep rounds of:


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15m 30s
Workout Scaled
Tito Williams 01/11/2012 None Nancy WU

50-40-30-20 and10 rep rounds of:


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
16m 57s
Workout Scaled
Tadji Kretschmer 01/11/2012 CrossFit ATP Nancy WU

50-40-30-20 and10 rep rounds of:


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
18m 35s
Workout Scaled
David Clark 01/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse White Five rounds for time of:
15' Rope climb, 3 ascents
10 Toes to bar
21 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
Run 400 meters
27m 48s
Workout Scaled
Rachael S 01/11/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None Back Squats

1 set of 12 50% 1rm

1 sets of 8 60% 1rm

3 sets of 5 75% 1rm

3 sets of 2 85% 1rm

then 3 rounds

50m Prowler Push F70/M105
140 lbs
Performed as RX
Cam Reimer 01/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse White Five rounds for time of:
15' Rope climb, 3 ascents
10 Toes to bar
21 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
Run 400 meters
25m 10s
Workout Scaled
Jim Nantz 01/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse White Five rounds for time of:
15' Rope climb, 3 ascents
10 Toes to bar
21 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
Run 400 meters
24m 26s
Performed as RX
Rocky Skocik 01/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse White Five rounds for time of:
15' Rope climb, 3 ascents
10 Toes to bar
21 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
Run 400 meters
25m 42s
Performed as RX
Gary Abramson 01/11/2012 CrossFit ATP Nancy WU

50-40-30-20 and10 rep rounds of:


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
21m 11s
Workout Scaled
Todd Fanning 01/11/2012 CrossFit Harford Cindy Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
20 rounds 10 reps
Performed as RX
Doug Decker 01/11/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 1/12/12 For Time:
Box Jumps (20/24")
Deadlift (185/155)
21m 09s
Performed as RX
bret lurz 01/11/2012 CrossFit Harford Cindy Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
16 rounds 1 reps
Performed as RX
Beth Taruscio 01/11/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 1 year anniversary for LIZ AMRAP 3 rounds
1 minute of pushups
1 minute rest
1 minute KB Swings (70/55)
1 minute rest
1 minute Ab mat situps Unanchored
3 rounds 279 reps
Performed as RX
tina keener 01/11/2012 CrossFit Harford Cindy Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
13 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
David Agudelo 01/11/2012 CrossFit ATP Nancy WU

50-40-30-20 and10 rep rounds of:


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
20m 57s
Workout Scaled
Christopher Palacios 01/11/2012 CrossFit ATP Nancy WU

50-40-30-20 and10 rep rounds of:


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
21m 28s
Workout Scaled
Shawnie Marjama 01/11/2012 CrossFit ATP Nancy WU

50-40-30-20 and10 rep rounds of:


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
20m 14s
Performed as RX
Moriah Chinnock 01/11/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 1 year anniversary for LIZ AMRAP 3 rounds
1 minute of pushups
1 minute rest
1 minute KB Swings (70/55)
1 minute rest
1 minute Ab mat situps Unanchored
3 rounds 254 reps
Performed as RX
Mike Schwimmer 01/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse White Five rounds for time of:
15' Rope climb, 3 ascents
10 Toes to bar
21 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
Run 400 meters
32m 39s
Workout Scaled
Ryan Phillips 01/11/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 1/12/12 For Time:
Box Jumps (20/24")
Deadlift (185/155)
27m 24s
Workout Scaled
Brett Dunham 01/11/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 1 year anniversary for LIZ AMRAP 3 rounds
1 minute of pushups
1 minute rest
1 minute KB Swings (70/55)
1 minute rest
1 minute Ab mat situps Unanchored
3 rounds 235 reps
Performed as RX
Brett Dunham 01/11/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 1/12/12 For Time:
Box Jumps (20/24")
Deadlift (185/155)
21m 35s
Performed as RX
Clifford Tindell 01/11/2012 Core Direction Filthy Fifty 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
26m 31s
Performed as RX
Zack Noyes 01/11/2012 CrossFit Harford Cindy Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
9 rounds 1 reps
Workout Scaled
Caleb Bergquist 01/11/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 1 year anniversary for LIZ AMRAP 3 rounds
1 minute of pushups
1 minute rest
1 minute KB Swings (70/55)
1 minute rest
1 minute Ab mat situps Unanchored
3 rounds 271 reps
Performed as RX