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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Scott Anderson 07/12/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None Three partner team workout:
P1: row 400m
P2: 5 med ball squats / 1 burpee
P3: hold plank

Switch after each row completed. Burpees is score.
55 reps
Performed as RX
Steve Matteson 07/12/2019 PilotFit Shrink the Box 3 Rounds
25 KB 45lb
25 Box Jump 30/24/18
25 Decline Push Ups
25 WB 20lb
16m 11s
Performed as RX
Eric H 07/12/2019 Farm Fitness None This is a relay style workout completed in teams of 3 with team member 1 starting on the row; team member 2 starting on the burpees and team member 3 starting on the plank. Team members will rotate after team member 1 has finished their row. The team should aim to complete as many reps in 16 minutes of the following:

400m row
Alternating burpees then 5 med ball squats (20#)
Plank hold

The score is the total number of burpees completed. The squats are not counted. In order to get one burpee the 5 med ball squats must be completed.
55 reps
Performed as RX
Eric H 07/12/2019 Farm Fitness Marine 16 Eight 2-minute AMRAPs in 16 minutes

From 0:00-2:00
20 meter Sprint
16 Burpees

From 2:00-4:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Push-Ups

From 4:00-6:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Air Squats

From 6:00-8:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Mountain Climbers

From 8:00-10:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Jumping Jacks

From 10:00-12:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Jumping Lunges

From 12:00-14:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 High Knees

From 14:00-16:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Tuck Jumps

Perform as many rounds and repetitions as possible of each couplet within the 2 minutes allotted, then move immediately to the next 2-minute AMRAP. Count one repetition for each 20-meter sprint. Count one repetition for each 2-count on mountain climbers and high knees (left and right = 1 repetition). For all other movements, count one repetition per completed movement (eg: burpees, push-ups, air squats, jumping jacks, tuck jumps) or per side (eg: jumping lunges). Track total number of repetitions completed for each 2-minute AMRAP. Score is total number of repetitions completed in all eight AMRAPs
324 reps
Performed as RX
Chris Torrence 07/12/2019 Farm Fitness Marine 16 Eight 2-minute AMRAPs in 16 minutes

From 0:00-2:00
20 meter Sprint
16 Burpees

From 2:00-4:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Push-Ups

From 4:00-6:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Air Squats

From 6:00-8:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Mountain Climbers

From 8:00-10:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Jumping Jacks

From 10:00-12:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Jumping Lunges

From 12:00-14:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 High Knees

From 14:00-16:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Tuck Jumps

Perform as many rounds and repetitions as possible of each couplet within the 2 minutes allotted, then move immediately to the next 2-minute AMRAP. Count one repetition for each 20-meter sprint. Count one repetition for each 2-count on mountain climbers and high knees (left and right = 1 repetition). For all other movements, count one repetition per completed movement (eg: burpees, push-ups, air squats, jumping jacks, tuck jumps) or per side (eg: jumping lunges). Track total number of repetitions completed for each 2-minute AMRAP. Score is total number of repetitions completed in all eight AMRAPs
335 reps
Performed as RX
Eli Hines 07/12/2019 Farm Fitness Marine 16 Eight 2-minute AMRAPs in 16 minutes

From 0:00-2:00
20 meter Sprint
16 Burpees

From 2:00-4:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Push-Ups

From 4:00-6:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Air Squats

From 6:00-8:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Mountain Climbers

From 8:00-10:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Jumping Jacks

From 10:00-12:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Jumping Lunges

From 12:00-14:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 High Knees

From 14:00-16:00:
20 meter Sprint
16 Tuck Jumps

Perform as many rounds and repetitions as possible of each couplet within the 2 minutes allotted, then move immediately to the next 2-minute AMRAP. Count one repetition for each 20-meter sprint. Count one repetition for each 2-count on mountain climbers and high knees (left and right = 1 repetition). For all other movements, count one repetition per completed movement (eg: burpees, push-ups, air squats, jumping jacks, tuck jumps) or per side (eg: jumping lunges). Track total number of repetitions completed for each 2-minute AMRAP. Score is total number of repetitions completed in all eight AMRAPs
368 reps
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 07/11/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 10 Minutes Max Meters
Teams of 2
Row as Many Meters as Possible in 10 minutes. Partners switch every 100m
25 Minute AMRAP
Teams of 2
3-6-9-12-15-(+3 each round)
Calorie Row
American KB Swing (50/35)
Wall Balls (20/14)
-one partner completes a full round and then switch
Recovery 2-3 sets
Pigeon Pose x10ea
Pallof Press x10ea
18 rounds 68 reps
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 07/11/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 10 Minutes Max Meters
Teams of 2
Row as Many Meters as Possible in 10 minutes. Partners switch every 100m
25 Minute AMRAP
Teams of 2
3-6-9-12-15-(+3 each round)
Calorie Row
American KB Swing (50/35)
Wall Balls (20/14)
-one partner completes a full round and then switch
Recovery 2-3 sets
Pigeon Pose x10ea
Pallof Press x10ea
18 rounds 68 reps
Performed as RX
Joey Schlaffer 07/11/2019 Crossfit 1525 07.11.19 4RFT:
3 Rope climbs
6 Devils press 40/30#
9 Box step overs 40/30#, 20/16
12 Double Russian KB swings 40/30#
16m 48s
Performed as RX
Sebastian Arango 07/11/2019 Vintage CrossFit None Squat Clean
6x3 @ 70-75%
205-205-205-205-210-210-215 lbs
Performed as RX
Sebastian Arango 07/11/2019 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 3:00 x 3
Row 500/450m
Max Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35s
Rest 3:00

Scale rowing distance so you can complete it in under 2:00 every round!

Beginner: 30/15
Intermediate: 40/25
42 reps
Performed as RX
Laurie Hines 07/11/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 07/11/2019 Run or Row
2 x 1 mile (1600m)
3min rest between

Post total time including break.
27m 25s
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 07/11/2019 Vintage CrossFit None Squat Clean
6x3 @ 70-75%
75-90 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 07/11/2019 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 3:00 x 3
Row 500/450m
Max Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35s
Rest 3:00

Scale rowing distance so you can complete it in under 2:00 every round!

Beginner: 30/15
Intermediate: 40/25
46 reps
Workout Scaled
Seth Johnson 07/11/2019 Old City CrossFit Max Height Box Jump Max Height Box Jump 1-1-1 34 in
Performed as RX
Seth Johnson 07/11/2019 Old City CrossFit Back Squat Back Squat 10-10-10 225-255-255 lbs
Performed as RX
Ankur Kataria 07/11/2019 District H CrossFit None METCON

100 Meter Farmers Carry (53/35s) each hand
30 Ab Mat Sit-ups
100 Meter Farmers Carry (53/35s) each hand
15 Deadlifts (205/145)
3 rounds 31 reps
Performed as RX
Chris Torrence 07/11/2019 Farm Fitness None Row 1000m alternating every 250m

Then 2 Rounds

20 Burpees
40 Wallballs
60 Kettlebell Swings
80 Box Jumps
100 sit-ups
Sprint 400m (can break up into 100s and 200s)

Row 1000m alternating every 250m

One Partner works while the other rests. The team can strategize so that each person does more of the exercise he/she is more skilled at.
33m 57s
Performed as RX
Eli Hines 07/11/2019 Farm Fitness None Row 1000m alternating every 250m

Then 2 Rounds

20 Burpees
40 Wallballs
60 Kettlebell Swings
80 Box Jumps
100 sit-ups
Sprint 400m (can break up into 100s and 200s)

Row 1000m alternating every 250m

One Partner works while the other rests. The team can strategize so that each person does more of the exercise he/she is more skilled at.
33m 57s
Performed as RX
Nyree Segui 07/10/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 07/10/2019 EMOM 10min:
5 Power Cleans 115/85lbs
5 Front Squats
Every minute on the minute complete one round of this couplet. If you cannot complete round then wait until next minute to start again.

Post total rounds. Perfect score is 10.
Scale as needed.
10 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Valerie Blyleven 07/10/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 07/10/2019 EMOM 10min:
5 Power Cleans 115/85lbs
5 Front Squats
Every minute on the minute complete one round of this couplet. If you cannot complete round then wait until next minute to start again.

Post total rounds. Perfect score is 10.
Scale as needed.
9 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Fiona Alford 07/10/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 07/10/2019 EMOM 10min:
5 Power Cleans 115/85lbs
5 Front Squats
Every minute on the minute complete one round of this couplet. If you cannot complete round then wait until next minute to start again.

Post total rounds. Perfect score is 10.
Scale as needed.
8 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Jen Priestman 07/10/2019 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 07/10/2019 EMOM 10min:
5 Power Cleans 115/85lbs
5 Front Squats
Every minute on the minute complete one round of this couplet. If you cannot complete round then wait until next minute to start again.

Post total rounds. Perfect score is 10.
Scale as needed.
10 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 07/10/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 12 min AMRAP:

4 strict pull ups
8 DB strict press
12 WBs (20/14)
06 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 07/10/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None Double under skill work
3Rds 30s on 30s off

1) easy single under
2) high jump SUs
3) DUs attempt
4) rest

B) for time

Buy in 750 row or 800m run
AB Mat sit-ups
13m 22s
Performed as RX