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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Eli Hines 01/16/2020 Farm Fitness None 3 rounds for time of:
Max calorie row in 60 seconds
30/15lbs. Turkish get-ups

Complete a total of 30 reps (or calories) in each round. For example, if you row 25 calories, complete 5 Turkish get-ups for that round.

Post time!
Scale as needed.
10m 45s
Performed as RX
Kyle Reedy 01/16/2020 Farm Fitness The grind None 21m 57s
Performed as RX
Greg Segui 01/15/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 01/15/2020 Tabatas
Back Squat 135/95lbs
2min Rest
Deadlift 135/95lbs

Post total reps added together.
124 reps
Performed as RX
Valerie Blyleven 01/15/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 01/15/2020 Tabatas
Back Squat 135/95lbs
2min Rest
Deadlift 135/95lbs

Post total reps added together.
104 reps
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 01/15/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None Deadlift
315-325-335-345-355-355-315 lbs
Performed as RX
Scott Anderson 01/15/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None 2 partner team:
100 calorie row
100 deadlifts 135#
100 pullups
100 situps
100 lunges
100 thrusters 45#
100 burpees
100 HR pushups
100 double unders
100 KB Swings 55#

Both partners work at the same time. Partition as desired, complete in any order.
38m 42s
Performed as RX
Toni Smith 01/15/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 01/15/2020 Tabatas
Back Squat 135/95lbs
2min Rest
Deadlift 135/95lbs

Post total reps added together.
125 reps
Performed as RX
Sheryl Ferris-Little 01/15/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 01/15/2020 Tabatas
Back Squat 135/95lbs
2min Rest
Deadlift 135/95lbs

Post total reps added together.
105 reps
Performed as RX
Michelle Bishop 01/15/2020 Crossfit NCR None Skill:
pushups 5 x 10 reps
worked on not sagging my lower back.
did last set from a box

5 strict pullups (with purple band); started with these then transitioned to ring rows as fatigue set in
6 box jumps--20 inch
7 deadlifts (135)
8 rds
8 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Laurie Hines 01/15/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 01/15/2020 Tabatas
Back Squat 135/95lbs
2min Rest
Deadlift 135/95lbs

Post total reps added together.
105 reps
Workout Scaled
Sylvain Tessier 01/15/2020 None Treadmill hills 6 min warmup @ 5 mph, 6 X 1.5 min @ 6.0 mph, 5.0 incline, with 6 X 1.5 min @ 5 mph rests in between 2.65 mi
Performed as RX
Sylvain Tessier 01/15/2020 None Lat pulldowns 5X5@135 lbs 25 reps
Performed as RX
Gretchen P 01/15/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None 10 min EMOM
3 cleans at 65 lbs then 2 reverse lunges each side

3 min rest

3x5 KB windmills, go up in weight --16 lbs, 18 lbs, 20lbs

3 min rest

3x6 kickstands eccentric 1:2 kickstands hinges:dumbbell curls, go up in weight -- 10 lbs., 15 lbs, 15 lbs.
30m 00s
Performed as RX
Daniel Qualmann 01/15/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None 2 Partner Team for Time:

100 Calorie Row
100 Deadlift 135#
100 Pull Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Lunges
100 Thrusters 45#
100 Burpees
100 Double Unders
100 HR Push Ups
100 Kettlebell Swings 55#

Partition however
54m 51s
Performed as RX
Ankur Kataria 01/15/2020 District H CrossFit None Push Press 4x2

#1: 2 reps
#2: 2 reps
#3: 2 reps
#4: 2 reps

All 4 sets at the same weight, aiming for 85 to 90% of 1RM
185 lbs
Performed as RX
Ankur Kataria 01/15/2020 District H CrossFit None Metabolic Conditioning

4 Rounds for time:

100m Farmers Carry w 2 DB or KB (70/53)
20 DB/KB Deadlifts
12m 30s
Workout Scaled
Eric H 01/15/2020 Farm Fitness None Teams of 4 with 2 people working at a time:
Row 3000 m (each person must row at least 400m) *1 rower per team*
While 1 person is rowing, complete 200 burpees
Once completed
Finish with 200 situps
Then complete with group 400m run
18m 04s
Performed as RX
Chris Torrence 01/15/2020 Farm Fitness None Teams of 4 with 2 people working at a time:
Row 3000 m (each person must row at least 400m) *1 rower per team*
While 1 person is rowing, complete 200 burpees
Once completed
Finish with 200 situps
Then complete with group 400m run
18m 04s
Performed as RX
Eli Hines 01/15/2020 Farm Fitness None Teams of 4 with 2 people working at a time:
Row 3000 m (each person must row at least 400m) *1 rower per team*
While 1 person is rowing, complete 200 burpees
Once completed
Finish with 200 situps
Then complete with group 400m run
18m 04s
Performed as RX
Kyle Reedy 01/15/2020 Farm Fitness None Teams of 4 with 2 people working at a time:
Row 3000 m (each person must row at least 400m) *1 rower per team*
While 1 person is rowing, complete 200 burpees
Once completed
Finish with 200 situps
Then complete with group 400m run
18m 04s
Performed as RX
Scott Anderson 01/14/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None 10-9-8...
Power cleans 135#
10m 23s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 01/14/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None For time:
Row 500 meters
Wallballs, 50 reps
Push-ups, 50 reps
Sit-ups, 50 reps
pull-ups, 30 reps
50 Back extension, 50 reps
Dips, 50 reps
Turkish Get-up, 20 reps, alternating arms 35#KB
23m 03s
Performed as RX
Toni Smith 01/14/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 01/14/2020 Power Snatch

Post heaviest load!
80 lbs
Performed as RX
Michelle Bishop 01/14/2020 Crossfit NCR None spin class:
5 min warmup
5 rounds:
30 sec D5-6; 70-80 RPM
45 sec D10; 60 RPM
15 sec D5-6; 70-80 RPM
1 min easy
1 min D3; 80-90 RPM
2 min rest
approx 15k
15.00 km
Performed as RX
Michelle Bishop 01/14/2020 Crossfit NCR None Strength:
build to a heavy power clean and push jerk: built to 110

WOD: heavy Grace (30 C&J) @ 125
I did 85 lbs and wasn't feeling to ambitious;
did it in 4:45
regular Grace is at 95lbs--should try that next time
4m 45s
Workout Scaled