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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Red Dula 07/02/2012 Crossfit H-town None 5 Rounds w/ 1minute rest
15 KB Swings 55/35lb
15 Box Jumps
400m Run
28m 33s
Performed as RX
Amanda Tyner 07/02/2012 Crossfit H-town None 5 Rounds w/ 1minute rest
15 KB Swings 55/35lb
15 Box Jumps
400m Run
18m 36s
Performed as RX
Kellie Bunyi 07/02/2012 Crossfit H-town None 5 Rounds w/ 1minute rest
15 KB Swings 55/35lb
15 Box Jumps
400m Run
23m 46s
Performed as RX
Eric Hester 07/02/2012 Sheepdog CrossFit None 5 Rounds For Time of:

10 Pull Ups
20 Sit-Ups
10 Knees to Elbow
20 Squats
20m 23s
Performed as RX
Steve Proto 07/02/2012 Crossfit H-town None 5 Rounds w/ 1minute rest
15 KB Swings 55/35lb
15 Box Jumps
400m Run
22m 13s
Performed as RX
Anthony Rowe 07/02/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 4 Rounds of
Ring Dips 10 reps
Snatch (65/95) 12 reps
Stairsx2 *at the top of stairs 10 jumping clap push ups each time
20m 22s
Workout Scaled
Karen Janak 07/02/2012 Crossfit H-town None 5 Rounds w/ 1minute rest
15 KB Swings 55/35lb
15 Box Jumps
400m Run
35m 12s
Workout Scaled
Collier Christian 07/02/2012 Crossfit H-town None 5 Rounds w/ 1minute rest
15 KB Swings 55/35lb
15 Box Jumps
400m Run
23m 32s
Workout Scaled
Rose Bartl 07/02/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None 12 Minutes:
3 Rep Max Thruster
3 minute rest
then 9-6-3
Power Clean (Rx: 185/135, 135/95)
Burpee Box Jump (Rx: 30/24, 24/20)
200m Run
9m 50s
Workout Scaled
Jerry Miller 07/02/2012 CrossFit Eclipse extr life 2 Rounds5 Push Press (145/95)15 Pull Ups2 Rounds10 Push Press (125/85)10 C2B Pull Ups2 Rounds15 Push Press (95/65)5 Muscle Ups
* You are to only use one bar for this WOD. For men, use a 25, 15,
and 10 in that order for the first two rounds, then take the 10s off
for the next two rounds, then strip the 15s off for the final two
rounds to give you 95# (if going prescribed). For women, use a ladies
bar with a 15,10, and 5 in that order removing the plates in same order
as men.
19m 11s
Workout Scaled
mike pace 07/02/2012 madera hs track Run-distance...#239 3 mile run

30m 47s
Performed as RX
mike pace 07/02/2012 madera hs track Run-distance 3 mile

3.00 mi
Performed as RX
Joe VanGorder 07/01/2012 Sheepdog CrossFit SATURDAY 120519 weighted pull-ups 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps 45-50-55-60-65-70-75 lbs
Performed as RX
Caveman 8 07/01/2012 Sheepdog CrossFit Brenton Five rounds for time of:
Bear crawl 100 feet
Standing broad-jump, 100 feet

Do three Burpees after every five broad-jumps. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
12m 47s
Performed as RX
James Ferguson 07/01/2012 Sheepdog CrossFit Elizabeth 21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
13m 35s
Performed as RX
Scott Fisher 07/01/2012 Home None 70 Burpees
60 Situps
50 squats
40 pull ups
30 hspu
13m 30s
Performed as RX
Jason Roberts 07/01/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 7.2.12 For Time
50 DU
20 Pullups
10 Dips
20 OH Walking Lunges (45/25)
10 Dips
20 OH Walking Lunges
20 Body Rows
10 Wallballs (20/16)
20 Body Rows
10 Wallballs (20/16)
20 Pullups
50 DU
14m 20s
Workout Scaled
Liz Middleton 07/01/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 7.2.12 For Time
50 DU
20 Pullups
10 Dips
20 OH Walking Lunges (45/25)
10 Dips
20 OH Walking Lunges
20 Body Rows
10 Wallballs (20/16)
20 Body Rows
10 Wallballs (20/16)
20 Pullups
50 DU
16m 00s
Workout Scaled
Blaine Bacon 07/01/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness 7.2.12 For Time
50 DU
20 Pullups
10 Dips
20 OH Walking Lunges (45/25)
10 Dips
20 OH Walking Lunges
20 Body Rows
10 Wallballs (20/16)
20 Body Rows
10 Wallballs (20/16)
20 Pullups
50 DU
17m 45s
Workout Scaled
Valerie J Scott 07/01/2012 Memorial Park None 3 miles 49m 00s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 06/30/2012 Sheepdog CrossFit Death by Pullup With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.
13 rounds 11 reps
Performed as RX
Scott Anderson 06/30/2012 Sheepdog CrossFit None 100-75-50-25 rep Rounds:
4-ct Flutterkicks
Leg Levers
26m 58s
Performed as RX
Joe VanGorder 06/30/2012 Sheepdog CrossFit 120616 10 rounds, each for time of:
15 Push-ups
Sprint 60 yards
Rest 60 seconds

Post times to comments.
3m 00s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 06/30/2012 CrossFit Eclipse on fire as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes

10 burpees into a box jump (24/20")

200 meter sand bag run or (45/25lb plate)

3 turkish get ups (55/35lbs) for each arm
4 rounds 10 reps
Performed as RX
Sandra Backward 06/30/2012 CrossFit Eclipse on fire as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes

10 burpees into a box jump (24/20")

200 meter sand bag run or (45/25lb plate)

3 turkish get ups (55/35lbs) for each arm
4 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled