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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Chris Torrence 04/13/2020 Farm Fitness 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
35 rounds 7 reps
Performed as RX
Riley H 04/13/2020 Farm Fitness 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
33 rounds 5 reps
Performed as RX
Eli Hines 04/13/2020 Farm Fitness 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
36 rounds 12 reps
Performed as RX
Tyler Grant 04/13/2020 PilotFit Push-up Variation Total - 1 Round Your score is the total number of reps completed for one round. There are four push-up positions to complete. You work at each position until failure or choice to move to next movement then IMMEDIATELY transition into the next position. Continue this pattern through all four movements. Add reps for each position for one final score.

PIKE Feet on chair seat. Pull hands back toward the chair until body is in a 90 degree pike position
DECLINE Move hands forward until body is straight
STANDARD Come off chair into straight position parallel to floor
INCLINE Hands back on the chair as feet move back into straight position
70 reps
Performed as RX
Tyler Grant 04/13/2020 PilotFit Push-up Variation Total - 3 Rounds Your score is the total number of reps completed for three rounds. There are four push-up positions to complete. You work at each position until failure or choice to move to next movement then IMMEDIATELY transition into the next position. Continue this pattern through all four movements.

Complete 3 rounds. 3 Minute rest between each round. Add reps for all three rounds for one final score.

PIKE Feet on chair seat. Pull hands back toward the chair until body is in a 90 degree pike position
DECLINE Move hands forward until body is straight
STANDARD Come off chair into straight position parallel to floor
INCLINE Hands back on the chair as feet move back into straight position
95 reps
Performed as RX
Chulho Kim 04/13/2020 56th Army Band Deadlift, Pullup, Run Clean Deadlift
Snatch DL

1 min Rest each time.

2 mile Run with a vest.
60m 00s
Performed as RX
SSG Warren 04/13/2020 Home EMOM Every Minute on the Minute, 8 sets per exercise pair.
5 Hand Release Pushups and 5 Reverse Crunches
20 Calf Jumps and 5 Squat Jumps
3 Leg Tucks and 5 Diamond Pushups
344 reps
Performed as RX
Charles Drake 04/12/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit Tommy Mac 2 rounds for time:

12 burpees
12 thrusters (115/75)
12 burpees
12 Snatches
12 burpees
12 push jerks
12 burpees
12 hang cleans
12 burpees
12 OH squats
16m 23s
Workout Scaled
Gretchen P 04/12/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit Loredo Six rounds for time of:
24 Squats
24 Push-ups
24 Walking lunge steps
Run 400 meters
45m 00s
Performed as RX
Chulho Kim 04/12/2020 56th Army Band Press and clean Strict press
5 strict pullups each round

Double Cleans

FOr time
100 Double Unders
21 Burpees
75 DU
15 BP
50 DU
9 BP

5m 57s
Performed as RX
Dave Snyder 04/12/2020 None Walk Walk around the blocks with Jess and the pups
.56 miles at 12:40
0.56 mi
Performed as RX
SSG Warren 04/12/2020 Home Deadlifts Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5

Every Minute on the Minute Kettlebell Swings 6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6
155-155-155-175-175 lbs
63-63-63-63-63-63-63-63-63-63 lbs
Performed as RX
Greg Segui 04/11/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
30 rounds 5 reps
Performed as RX
Nyree Segui 04/11/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
30 rounds 5 reps
Performed as RX
Valerie Blyleven 04/11/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
29 rounds 8 reps
Performed as RX
Fiona Alford 04/11/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 04/10/2020 5 x 3:00 AMRAP, Resting 1:00 between:
6 Burpees
8 Odd-Object Squat Cleans
10 Lateral Hops over odd-object

Post total reps!
Scale as needed.
249 reps
Workout Scaled
Jonathan Schabruch 04/11/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None 3 rounds of:
50 Air Squats
50 AbMat Sit-ups
25 Pull-ups
10 Box Jumps, 30 in
14m 53s
Performed as RX
Jen Priestman 04/11/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
27 rounds 7 reps
Performed as RX
Scott Anderson 04/11/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None 3 rounds for time of:

Row 250 meters
21 dumbbell thrusters
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups

20-lb. DBs 30-lb. DBs
13m 22s
Workout Scaled
Jeanette Tilstra 04/11/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
29 rounds 8 reps
Performed as RX
Laurie Hines 04/11/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
29 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Darren Madill 04/11/2020 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 04/11/2020 15min Partner AMRAP:
1 person holds plank while other finishes round of:
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups
5 Squats

Post total rounds & reps!
Scale as needed.
27 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Chulho Kim 04/11/2020 56th Army Band None Tempo back squats
3301 (3sec down, 3sec Hold at the bottom 0sec up, 1sec hold at the top)

Incredible Hulk
20min AMRAP
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Push Presses
5 Back Squats
Scaled 95lbs
(Rx 115lbs)
10rds and 11reps
10 rounds 11 reps
Workout Scaled
Dave Snyder 04/11/2020 Hood Run Run until calf injury
1.89 miles; 15:48
1.89 mi
Performed as RX
Dave Snyder 04/11/2020 Hood Walk hobbled most of the way home until Jess picked me up.
.45 mi at 9:59
0.45 mi
Performed as RX