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Andrew Shum 12/11/2017 RifTribe None Monday


Strict press 1rm

8 min AMRAP

6-push-press @ 70% of above

9-Burpees over the bar
6 rounds 3 reps
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 12/09/2017 RifTribe None Saturday

For Time 50-40-30-20-10 of:

--Kettle Bell Swings (24k/16k)

16m 53s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 12/08/2017 RifTribe None Friday (for time)

Buy-in: 25-Bench Press @67-73% 1RM

Then do:

5 rounds of:

10-Knees to Elbows

20-Med Ball Thrusters 20lb/14lb
16m 28s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 12/07/2017 RifTribe None Thursday (12 min)

5 rounds of the following complex increasing to heavy weight:

3 front squats + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk + 3 front squats

15-12-9 (12 min cap)

--squat cleans (tap and go)

--ring dips

*weight for squat cleans is 135lb/65lb
10m 41s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 12/05/2017 RifTribe 12052017 Do 3 rounds of the following (18 min)

2 minutes complete:
12-Straight leg sit-ups
15-push-press @ 95lb/45lb
2-Burpee Wall Balls

2 minutes to do:
12-Straight leg sit-ups
15-Cleans @135lb/75lb
2-Burpee Wall Balls

2 minutes to do:
12-Straight leg sit-ups
15-Deadlifts @160lb/90lb
2-Burpee Wall Balls
18m 00s
Workout Scaled
Andrew Shum 12/01/2017 RifTribe REPS Tabata 4 rounds (8 min
30 sec flutter kicks
30 sec rest
30 sec DUs
30 sec rest

--Rest 1 min--

AMRAP-11 min (min 9- min 20)
3-Snatches @ 110lb/65lb
3-Barbell rows @ 110lb/65lb

*Add total reps from tabata and AMRAP
347 reps
Workout Scaled
Andrew Shum 11/30/2017 RifTribe 11302017 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
--KB Swings (24k/16k)
--Hand Release Push-ups
4-strict Burpees pull-ups after each round.
15m 25s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/27/2017 RifTribe 11272017 Every 20 seconds for 10 min
-1 Squat Clean (pos 1) at 67-73% 1RM

Rest 1 minute

@ min 11-20 (9 min) do the following

--Push-press (95lb/65lb)
40 DUs
*Record time for part B
8m 12s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/25/2017 RifTribe 11252017 3-three minute rounds of:
400 m run
max rep push-ups

rest 1 minute

3-two minute rounds to complete
50-air squats
max rep pull-ups
100 reps
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/24/2017 RifTribe 11242017 AMRAP

15 minutes complete as many 135lb Clean and Jerks as a 3 person team.

*Each member must do 2 reps before next partner can participate.

Record Reps!
101 reps
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/21/2017 RifTribe None Tuesday

A. Technique/ Skill work

(15 min. Cap)

1. Muscle snatch + Snatch Balance (no dip)

2. Snatch Balance:
2x3, 2x2, 3x1
(work up in weight throughout sets)


Thrusters (95/45)
90 reps
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/20/2017 RifTribe None Monday

A. Technique/ Strength work

(12 min Cap)

1. Muscle clean + Strict Press
(3+3) x4
2. Clean pull + Clean + Jerk
(1+2+1) X2
(1+1+1) X3

*Move up in weight each set

B. For Time:

Wall Balls

4m 24s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/16/2017 RifTribe Grinder 12-Thrusters 75lb/45lb
15-Thrusters 75lb/45lb
18-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
20-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
22-Thrusters (75lbs/45lbs)
13m 15s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/14/2017 RifTribe 11132017 30-24-18-12-16
-Med-Ball Sit-ups
16m 24s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/13/2017 RifTribe 11132017 5 x the following combo:
1 Snatch Balance + 1 OHS

105 lbs
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/13/2017 RifTribe 11132017 5 rounds of:
20 sec max rep SDHP (75/45)
40 sec rest
20 sec max rep OHS (75/45)
40 sec rest
85 reps
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/11/2017 RifTribe 11112017 AMRAP (15 minutes)
8-Strict Pull-ups
12-KB Snatch (6-L/6-R)
*Pick weight for KB Snatch
111 reps
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/09/2017 RifTribe Mary Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups
5 rounds 9 reps
Workout Scaled
Andrew Shum 11/07/2017 RifTribe 11072017 2 rounds
400 m run
26-KB C&J (20ks alternate arms)
400 m run
13-KB C&J (24ks alternate arms)
23m 30s
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/06/2017 RifTribe 11062017 5 rounds (3 min each)
30 sec Hand stand hold
20-KB Swings (53lb/35lb)
20-OHS @ 75lb/45lb
30 sec rest
223 reps
Workout Scaled
Andrew Shum 11/04/2017 RifTribe None Saturday:

For time:
60 single-leg squats (alternating)
50 wall-ball shots (20/14)
40 box jumps (24/20)
30 deadlifts (@ 60% 1RM)
20 KB power cleans (24k/12k)
10 KB front squats (24k/12k)
19m 14s
Workout Scaled
Andrew Shum 11/03/2017 RifTribe None B. Lets get HEAVY!

Front Squats:

255 lbs
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 11/02/2017 RifTribe None B. For time:
Run 400 meters
Run 800 meters
Run 1,200 meters
Run 1,600 meters
*Record times for each run and record them into TrackMyPr

2.50 mi
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 10/31/2017 RifTribe None B. 10 min. AMRAP
3 burpee box jump-overs
3 deadlifts
6 burpee box jump overs
6 deadlifts
9 burpee box jump-overs
9 burpees
12 burpee box jump overs
12 deadlifts
75 reps
Performed as RX
Andrew Shum 10/30/2017 RifTribe None B. For time:

9-15-21 reps for time of:
Over the bar burpess

10m 00s
Performed as RX