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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Mike Schwimmer 01/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse War Machine 21-15-9 reps
1 1/4 front squat (95/65lbs)
chest to bar pull ups
handstand push ups
21m 02s
Workout Scaled
Greg Segui 01/03/2012 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 01-03-2012 4 Rounds for Time of:
6 Ground to Overhead (choose weight)
12 V-UPs
3m 57s
Performed as RX
Holly Lutes 01/03/2012 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 01-03-2012 4 Rounds for Time of:
6 Ground to Overhead (choose weight)
12 V-UPs
4m 29s
Workout Scaled
David Agudelo 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Randy 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time.

7m 11s
Workout Scaled
Alan Masa 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Randy 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 6m 39s
Workout Scaled
Nicolas Petrone 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Snatch Balance

135 lbs
Performed as RX
Nicolas Petrone 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Randy 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 6m 20s
Performed as RX
John Kavanaugh 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Snatch Balance

95# lbs
Performed as RX
John Kavanaugh 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Randy 65# Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 5m 39s
Workout Scaled
Nyree Segui 01/03/2012 Premier Martial Arts/Grand River CrossFit 01-03-2012 4 Rounds for Time of:
6 Ground to Overhead (choose weight)
12 V-UPs
3m 37s
Performed as RX
Heather Sullo 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Randy 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 5m 43s
Workout Scaled
Dan Waldrep 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Snatch Balance

175 lbs
Performed as RX
Dan Waldrep 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Randy 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 4m 56s
Performed as RX
Jennifer Cronk 01/03/2012 Sweat Rally CrossFit Barbara Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
43m 32s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse 1 rm shoulder press None 145 lbs
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse War Machine 21-15-9 reps
1 1/4 front squat (95/65lbs)
chest to bar pull ups
handstand push ups
16m 49s
Performed as RX
Todd Fanning 01/03/2012 CrossFit Harford None 50 walking lunges
15 Handstand Push-ups
3 rounds for time
10m 30s
Performed as RX
brody wagner 01/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse War Machine 21-15-9 reps
1 1/4 front squat (95/65lbs)
chest to bar pull ups
handstand push ups
15m 32s
Workout Scaled
Aaron Schupp 01/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse 1 rm shoulder press None 165 lbs
Performed as RX
Aaron Schupp 01/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse War Machine 21-15-9 reps
1 1/4 front squat (95/65lbs)
chest to bar pull ups
handstand push ups
14m 45s
Performed as RX
Jeremiah Foley 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Snatch Balance

155 lbs
Performed as RX
Jeremiah Foley 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Randy 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 5m 25s
Performed as RX
David Clark 01/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse 1 rm shoulder press Shoulder Press 1 155 lbs
Performed as RX
David Clark 01/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse War Machine 21-15-9 reps
1 1/4 front squat (95/65lbs)
chest to bar pull ups
handstand push ups
18m 33s
Workout Scaled
Hailey Wagner 01/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse 1 rm shoulder press None 83 lbs
Performed as RX