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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Rhonda Heird 12/16/2012 CrossFit Eclipse snatch 1 rm snatch 1m 53 lbs
Performed as RX
Rhonda Heird 12/16/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None 10 sumodeadlift high pulls (115/75 lbs) demo video

10 burpees over the bar

2 muscle ups

8 sumodeadlifts high pulls

8 burpees over the bar

2 muscle ups

6 sumodeadlift high pull

6 burpees over the bar

2 muscle ups

4 sumodeadlift high pull

4 burpees over the bar

2 muscle ups

2 sumo deadlift high pulls

2 burpee over the bar

2 muscle ups
7m 14s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 12/13/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push jerk 1 rm 12 minutes for push jerk 1 rm 83 lbs
Performed as RX
Rhonda Heird 12/13/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Belly flop 21-15-9 reps
row for calories
8m 35s
Performed as RX
Rhonda Heird 12/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse upside down 5 rounds for time
20 hand release push ups
40 air squats
200 meter run
24m 29s
Performed as RX
Rhonda Heird 12/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Amanda Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
135 pound Squat snatch
7m 58s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 12/02/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Fight Gone Bad Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
176 reps
Performed as RX
Rhonda Heird 11/25/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Nate Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
11 rounds 10 reps
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 11/12/2012 CrossFit Eclipse firefly 2 rounds for time

50 pull ups

75 sit ups

50 overhead squats (75/55 lbs)

75 double unders
30m 00s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 11/05/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Icing 12 minute as many rounds as possible

200 meter kettle bell run (55/35lbs) this should be fun to watch

10 ring dips

10 hand release push ups
4 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 11/04/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Money 50 kettlebell swings (55/35 lbs)
3 rounds
15 jumping squats (45/33 lbs)
10 lateral jump on a box (20") left and right counts as 1

30 kettlebell swings (55/35 lbs)

*15 burpee penalty for every time you break a set of the kettlebell swings at the end of the workout
16m 39s
Performed as RX
Rhonda Heird 10/31/2012 CrossFit Eclipse classic for time
50 burpees
50 chest to bar pull ups
50 push jerks (155/105lbs)
15m 33s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/29/2012 CrossFit Eclipse moonshine 3 rounds
40 double unders
25 thrusters (95/65lbs)
200 meter run
21m 15s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/25/2012 CrossFit Eclipse so good 3 rounds
5 hang power cleans (185/130 lbs)
10 ring dips
1 x rope cimb
5m 25s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/24/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Isaac's Revenge 3 rounds for time
400 meter run
15 air squats
15 box jumps (24/20")
15 air squats
12m 17s
Performed as RX
Rhonda Heird 10/19/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Disarm 3 rounds
14 x burpee onto box jump (24/20")
21 x dumbbell thrusters (40/35 lbs)
28 x handstand push ups
20m 05s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/17/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Something is in the Way 50-35-20 reps
wall balls
pull ups
double unders
29m 06s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/15/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Dream On 5 rounds for time
20 kettlebell swings (55/35 lbs)
10 push press (115/75 lbs)
16m 08s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/12/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Game On! 5 rounds
5 x deadlifts (275/190 lbs)
10 x burpees
7m 45s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Perfect Soul for time
15 x thrusters (135/95 lbs)
run 200 meters
20 x thrusters (95/65lbs)
run 400 meters
30 x thrusters (65/45 lbs)
run 800 meters
19m 38s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/08/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Helen Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
13m 24s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/05/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None row 500 meters
50 wall balls
row 400 meters
40 wallballs
row 300 meters
30 wall balls
row 200 meters
20 wall balls
row 100 meters
10 wall balls
21m 37s
Workout Scaled
Rhonda Heird 10/03/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Everlong 5 rounds
15 overhead walking lunges (45/35 lbs), total steps
30 double unders
16m 52s
Performed as RX
Rhonda Heird 10/02/2012 CrossFit Eclipse 5 x 5 back squats 5 sets of 5 reps of back squat 123 lbs
Performed as RX
Rhonda Heird 09/30/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Broken Angie 10 rounds
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 squats
26m 48s
Workout Scaled