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Search Results
Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Genevive Mathers 01/10/2012 Crossfit H-town None 5 rounds for time of:
200m run
6 ground to overhead 135m/95f
10m 09s
Workout Scaled
Melisa O'Quinn 01/10/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None Buy In

20 Power Cleans @ 135/95


12 Power Cleans @ 205/145


16 Power Cleans @ 185/125


5 Rounds

5 Shoulder to Overhead M135 W95

7 Front Squats

9 Toes to bar

then Power Clean Buy Out (can be different that what you started with)
7m 58s
Workout Scaled
April Hedrick 01/10/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None Buy In

20 Power Cleans @ 135/95


12 Power Cleans @ 205/145


16 Power Cleans @ 185/125


5 Rounds

5 Shoulder to Overhead M135 W95

7 Front Squats

9 Toes to bar

then Power Clean Buy Out (can be different that what you started with)
9m 41s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Russo 01/10/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None Buy in:
20 power cleans I did 15 65 lbs and 5 70 lbs
55 lbs:
5 rounds for time:
5 shoulder to over head
7 front squats
9 knee to elbows
11m 02s
Workout Scaled
Keith Iazzetti 01/10/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None 135lbs shoulders to over head 5 reps 7 front squats and 9 toe to bar for 5 rounds at 135lbs 10m 41s
Performed as RX
Keith Iazzetti 01/10/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None Buy In

20 Power Cleans @ 135/95


12 Power Cleans @ 205/145


16 Power Cleans @ 185/125


5 Rounds

5 Shoulder to Overhead M135 W95

7 Front Squats

9 Toes to bar

then Power Clean Buy Out (can be different that what you started with)
10m 41s
Performed as RX
Brooke Schupp 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 5 RM push press at 5 rm 83 lbs
Performed as RX
Brooke Schupp 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse The deadly 7 7 rounds
35 double unders
1 snatch
88 lbs
Performed as RX
brian alcorn 01/10/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None Buy In

20 Power Cleans @ 135/95


12 Power Cleans @ 205/145


16 Power Cleans @ 185/125


5 Rounds

5 Shoulder to Overhead M135 W95

7 Front Squats

9 Toes to bar

then Power Clean Buy Out (can be different that what you started with)
8m 57s
Workout Scaled
craig descoteaux 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse The deadly 7 7 rounds
35 double unders
1 snatch
125 lbs
Performed as RX
Mathew Reyna 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 5 RM push press at 5 rm 125 lbs
Performed as RX
Mathew Reyna 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse The deadly 7 7 rounds
35 double unders
1 snatch
100 lbs
Performed as RX
Brian Carroll 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 5 RM push press at 5 rm 185 lbs
Performed as RX
Brian Carroll 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse The deadly 7 7 rounds
35 double unders
1 snatch
135 lbs
Performed as RX
Osas Imade 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 5 RM push press at 5 rm 205 lbs
Performed as RX
Osas Imade 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse The deadly 7 7 rounds
35 double unders
1 snatch
165 lbs
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 5 RM push press at 5 rm 145 lbs
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse The deadly 7 7 rounds
35 double unders
1 snatch
155 lbs
Performed as RX
Liz Middleton 01/10/2012 Vertical Limit Fitness Good Mornings 2-2-2-2-2 DE: Good Mornings (95/65) 65 lbs
Performed as RX
Maegan Blakeman 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 5 RM push press at 5 rm 98 lbs
Performed as RX
Maegan Blakeman 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse The deadly 7 7 rounds
35 double unders
1 snatch
93 lbs
Performed as RX
Stacy Bentz 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 5 RM push press at 5 rm 73 lbs
Performed as RX
Stacy Bentz 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse The deadly 7 7 rounds
35 double unders
1 snatch
63 lbs
Performed as RX
Becky Dipiero 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 5 RM push press at 5 rm 83 lbs
Performed as RX
Becky Dipiero 01/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse The deadly 7 7 rounds
35 double unders
1 snatch
73 lbs
Performed as RX