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Joshua Crews 04/21/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit CrossFit Open 17.1 For time:
10 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
50 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs

Men use 50-lb. dumbbell and 24-in. box

Time cap: 20 minutes
19m 42s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 04/21/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
10 Air Squats
9 R Arm Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs
10 Push-ups
9 L Arm Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35 lbs
8 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 04/02/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit Fender Bender In Teams of 3
400m Team Run
3 Rounds: 30 DL, 25 HPC, 20 PJ
400m Team Run
2 Rounds: 30 DL, 25 HPC, 20 PJ
400m Team Run
1 Round: 30 DL, 25 HPC, 20 PJ

DL = Deadlift
HPC = Hang Power Cleans
PJ = Push Jerk
Barbell Rx 155/105
35m 23s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 03/05/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None Tempo Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Rest as needed between sets.

Tempo- 10,1,X,1
Eccentric (descent): 10 secs
Pause (bottom): 1 sec
Concentric (ascend): explode up
Pause (top): 1 sec

Jackie after rest
08m 28s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 01/24/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit 12 Days of Christmas 12 days of Christmas @95lbs

1 DL
2 Hang Cleans
3 Front Squats
4 Strict Press
5 Back Squats
6 Push Press
7 Thrusters
8 Squat Cleans
9 Push Jerk
10 Hang Power Snatch
11 Overhead Squats
12 Sumo DL High Pulls

1, 2/1, 3/2/1, 4/3/2/1, 5/4/3/2/1, etc
39m 30s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 01/14/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None For time:
Row 500 meters
Wallballs, 50 reps
Push-ups, 50 reps
Sit-ups, 50 reps
pull-ups, 30 reps
50 Back extension, 50 reps
Dips, 50 reps
Turkish Get-up, 20 reps, alternating arms 35#KB
23m 03s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 01/13/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None 10-9-8...
Power cleans 135#
8m 51s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 01/08/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None 15-12-9 reps for time of:
Squat Clean Thruster, 135/95
L-sit Pull-up

Or, as a 2-person team,
30-24-18 reps for time of:
Squat Clean Thruster, 135/95
L-sit Pull-up
15m 01s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 01/07/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None 3 Rounds for time of:
400m run
3 Rounds of "Cindy"
15m 05s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 01/03/2020 Sheepdog CrossFit None For time:
Run 800m, then...

3 rounds of:

27 Goblet Squats, 55# KB
21 Sit-ups
15 Wall ball shots
9 Burpees
14m 58s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 09/17/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None AMRAP 15 minutes of:
9 Abmat Sit-ups
8 Push-ups, hand-release
7 Dumbbell Push Press
6 Pull ups

Men: Two 45-lb. Dumbbells
Women: Two 30-lb. Dumbbells
10 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 08/31/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit Filthy Fifty 50 Box Jumps (24)
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettle-bell Swings (35)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (45)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wallball Shots (20)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
35m 36s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 08/17/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit Invictus 161006 Against a 2-minute running clock, complete:
25 Calories of Rowing
115/75 lb Push Press x max reps

Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of four sets.
89 reps
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 07/19/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 2 person partner WOD.
20 Minute AMRAP
Buy in: 150 Meter partner carry each partner.

One partner completes full rounds of:
15 KB swings @ 55lbs
10 Burpees
5 Ground to Overhead @ 95lbs

While the other partner completes wall balls. Continue to switch after complete rounds until the team completes 150 wall balls. After Wall balls are completed, continue to complete as many rounds of the AMRAP as possible. Only one person working at a time.
9m 02s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 06/17/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 3 Rounds for time of:
20 Snatches @75#
10 Toes to bar
400 Meter run
12m 41s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 05/29/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 4 Rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts @ 185
400 Meter run

Rest exactly 5 minutes

4 Rounds for time:
5 Power Cleans @ 135
5 Push Press @ 135
200 Meter run
22m 20s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 05/27/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit Murph For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
54m 50s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 05/25/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
800 Meter Run (together)
80 Walking Lunges with Kettlebell Farmers Carry (20/20/20/20 alternating partners)
400 Meter Kettlebell Farmers Carry (walk together only one partner carrying KBs at a time)
40 Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Presses (10/10/10/10 even reps per arm)

Each pair only gets one set of KBs or DBs. They should be heavy especially on the single-arm push presses.
2 rounds 1 reps
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 05/21/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 3 rounds for total reps:
5 minute AMRAP:
15 calorie row
20 bench press @ 115#
30 wall balls
20 abmat situps
Rest 5 minutes

Start at row each time.
349 reps
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 05/18/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None RUN 5KM / 3.3 MILES 27m 12s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 05/02/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None Five rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
10 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (55/35 lbs; 24/20)
24m 50s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 04/13/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None In teams of two, complete the following for time:
100 Alternating Front-Racked Reverse Lunges (135/95 lbs)
400 Meter Run (together)
80 Push Presses (135/95 lbs)
400 Meter Run (together)
60 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
400 Meter Run (together)
40 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (55/35 lbs; 24/20)
400 Meter Run (together)
20 Bar Muscle-Ups
400 Meter Run (together)
36m 54s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 04/06/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None In teams of two, alternating each movement, complete ten rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
10 Overhead Squats (115/75 lbs)
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24/20)

(Partner A runs; Partner B performs 10 overhead squats; Partner A performs 10 burpee box jump-overs; Partner B runs; Partner A performs 10 overhead squats; etc...)
30m 00s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 04/02/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None RUN 5KM / 3.3 MILES 27m 00s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 03/28/2019 Sheepdog CrossFit None 1-2-3...10 Power Cleans @ 135#

After each round of cleans, do one round of the following:
5 pullups
10 HR pushups
15 situps
17m 38s
Performed as RX