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Scott Anderson 08/17/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit Farm Friday 022219 Part A

100 Push-Ups (HR)
200 Sit-Ups
300 Squats

Complete in teams of 4, only 1 person working at a time.

Part B

Complete 2 Rounds, rotate stations after run (all stations must be complete before rotation)

Station 1 - Run 200M
Station 2 - 64M Farmers Carry @ 45#
Station 3 - 32 Jump Rope (SU)
Station 4 - 16 Burpees
Station 5 - 8 Push Press @ 75#
Station 6 - 4 Box Jumps @ 30
Station 7 - 2 Turkish Get-Ups (1 each side)
Station 8 - Rest
30m 41s
Workout Scaled
Joshua Crews 08/17/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit Farm Friday 022219 Part A

100 Push-Ups (HR)
200 Sit-Ups
300 Squats

Complete in teams of 4, only 1 person working at a time.

Part B

Complete 2 Rounds, rotate stations after run (all stations must be complete before rotation)

Station 1 - Run 200M
Station 2 - 64M Farmers Carry @ 45#
Station 3 - 32 Jump Rope (SU)
Station 4 - 16 Burpees
Station 5 - 8 Push Press @ 75#
Station 6 - 4 Box Jumps @ 30
Station 7 - 2 Turkish Get-Ups (1 each side)
Station 8 - Rest
30m 41s
Performed as RX
Chris Torrence 08/17/2021 Farm Fitness None Teams of 2

One person works at a time. Teams must hold their wall balls throughout the entire workout. Anytime the wall ball is dropped, there is a 15 burpee per person penalty

200m run
100 Dbl Under
90 Abmat Situps
80 Push-ups
70 Box Jumps
60 T2B
50 Air Squats
40 Pull ups
30 Lunges
20 Burpees
10 Wall Balls
23m 48s
Workout Scaled
Eli Hines 08/17/2021 Farm Fitness None Teams of 2

One person works at a time. Teams must hold their wall balls throughout the entire workout. Anytime the wall ball is dropped, there is a 15 burpee per person penalty

200m run
100 Dbl Under
90 Abmat Situps
80 Push-ups
70 Box Jumps
60 T2B
50 Air Squats
40 Pull ups
30 Lunges
20 Burpees
10 Wall Balls
23m 48s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 08/16/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit None Clean and jerk
165-165-165-165-165 lbs
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 08/16/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit Covid part 2 081621 For Time
800m Run
10 HR Burpees
20 Power Cleans 75#
30 BoxJumps 24
40 Situps
50 Deadlifts 75#
60 Jump Ropes
70 Walking Lunges Total
800m Run
23m 39s
Performed as RX
Chris Torrence 08/16/2021 Farm Fitness None Against a 2-minute running clock, complete:
25 Calories of Rowing
95/75 lb Push Press x max reps

Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of four sets.
45 reps
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 08/14/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit None Every 1 min for 35 mins, alternating between:
Shuttle Sprints, 10 m, 40 secs
L-Sit, 20 secs
Broad Jumps, 30 secs
Plank Hold, 30 secs
Rest 1 min
161 reps
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 08/13/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit None 6-9-12-9-6 reps of:
Lateral Bar Burpee
Front Squat, 185 lbs
Chest-to-ring Pull-up
17m 27s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 08/13/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit Covid Part 2 081321 2 partner team:
6 rounds:
15 burpees
20 SA DB snatch #50
12 thrusters 75#

Partners switch after each movement
14m 31s
Performed as RX
Eric H 08/13/2021 Farm Fitness Deck of Death Teams of three moving through a deck of cards for 20 minutes. Re-shuffle after running through the deck.

Number cards are the number showing. Face cards = 10. Aces = 11. Joker = 400m team run. "Ace Standard Poker" = 21 burpees.

Spades - pull-ups
Hearts - 95# thrusters
Clubs - 24" box jumps
Diamonds - Wall ball
50 rounds 4 reps
Performed as RX
Chris Torrence 08/13/2021 Farm Fitness Deck of Death Teams of three moving through a deck of cards for 20 minutes. Re-shuffle after running through the deck.

Number cards are the number showing. Face cards = 10. Aces = 11. Joker = 400m team run. "Ace Standard Poker" = 21 burpees.

Spades - pull-ups
Hearts - 95# thrusters
Clubs - 24" box jumps
Diamonds - Wall ball
50 rounds 4 reps
Performed as RX
Eli Hines 08/13/2021 Farm Fitness Deck of Death Teams of three moving through a deck of cards for 20 minutes. Re-shuffle after running through the deck.

Number cards are the number showing. Face cards = 10. Aces = 11. Joker = 400m team run. "Ace Standard Poker" = 21 burpees.

Spades - pull-ups
Hearts - 95# thrusters
Clubs - 24" box jumps
Diamonds - Wall ball
50 rounds 04 reps
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 08/12/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit None Each for time:
Run: 10x 100 m

Rest as needed between efforts.
2m 26s
Performed as RX
Scott Anderson 08/12/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit None 6-9-12-9-6
Lateral burpees over bar
Front squats 135#
C2B pullups
16m 04s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 08/12/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit Covid Part 2 081221 20 Minute AMRAP of:
200 M Run
5 Burpees
10 KB Swings 55#
20 Sit-ups
40 Jump Rope
6 rounds 202 reps
Performed as RX
Eric H 08/12/2021 Farm Fitness None In teams of three, complete three rounds each of:
350 Meter Row
(rest station)
20 Barbell Hang Cleans (95/35 lbs)
(rest station)
20 Sit-Ups
(rest station)

Teammates will attack this in a pipeline fashion. Teammate A will start rowing, and once they are off, they will move to a rest station while Partner B begins rowing. Once Partner B finishes rowing, Partner A may begin the Barbell Hang Cleans and Partner C begins rowing. Teams will follow this sequence until all teammates have completed three full rounds.
20m 37s
Performed as RX
Chris Torrence 08/12/2021 Farm Fitness None In teams of three, complete three rounds each of:
350 Meter Row
(rest station)
20 Barbell Hang Cleans (95/35 lbs)
(rest station)
20 Sit-Ups
(rest station)

Teammates will attack this in a pipeline fashion. Teammate A will start rowing, and once they are off, they will move to a rest station while Partner B begins rowing. Once Partner B finishes rowing, Partner A may begin the Barbell Hang Cleans and Partner C begins rowing. Teams will follow this sequence until all teammates have completed three full rounds.
20m 37s
Performed as RX
Eli Hines 08/12/2021 Farm Fitness None In teams of three, complete three rounds each of:
350 Meter Row
(rest station)
20 Barbell Hang Cleans (95/35 lbs)
(rest station)
20 Sit-Ups
(rest station)

Teammates will attack this in a pipeline fashion. Teammate A will start rowing, and once they are off, they will move to a rest station while Partner B begins rowing. Once Partner B finishes rowing, Partner A may begin the Barbell Hang Cleans and Partner C begins rowing. Teams will follow this sequence until all teammates have completed three full rounds.
20m 37s
Performed as RX
Eli Hines 08/12/2021 Farm Fitness None In teams of three, complete three rounds each of:
350 Meter Row
(rest station)
20 Barbell Hang Cleans (95/35 lbs)
(rest station)
20 Sit-Ups
(rest station)

Teammates will attack this in a pipeline fashion. Teammate A will start rowing, and once they are off, they will move to a rest station while Partner B begins rowing. Once Partner B finishes rowing, Partner A may begin the Barbell Hang Cleans and Partner C begins rowing. Teams will follow this sequence until all teammates have completed three full rounds.
20m 37s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 08/11/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit Covid Part 2 081121 4 Rounds for time of:
20 Med-ball cleans
12 V-ups
9 Clean and jerks (50# Dumbbells or 115# Barbell)
10m 24s
Performed as RX
Joshua Crews 08/11/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit Covid Part 2 081121 4 Rounds for time of:
20 Med-ball cleans
12 V-ups
9 Clean and jerks (50# Dumbbells or 115# Barbell)
10m 52s
Performed as RX
Daniel Qualmann 08/11/2021 Sheepdog CrossFit Covid Part 2 081121 4 Rounds for time of:
20 Med-ball cleans
12 V-ups
9 Clean and jerks (50# Dumbbells or 115# Barbell)
17m 05s
Performed as RX
Eric H 08/11/2021 Farm Fitness TK Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 Strict Pull-ups
8 Box jumps, 36" box
12 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
7 rounds 4 reps
Workout Scaled
Chris Torrence 08/11/2021 Farm Fitness TK Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 Strict Pull-ups
8 Box jumps, 36" box
12 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
10 rounds 4 reps
Workout Scaled