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Eric H 03/04/2022 Farm Fitness None Partner Death by Row Calories

Alternate rounds. Partner A does one calorie. Partner B does 2 calories. Etc until both fail at their minute.
22 rounds 39 reps
Performed as RX
Eric H 03/04/2022 Farm Fitness Scooter Scooter

On a 35-minute clock with a partner:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
30 double-unders
15 pull-ups
15 push-ups
100-meter sprint

Then, 5 minutes to find a 1-rep-max partner deadlift

For the AMRAP, have one partner work while the other rests, switching after a full round is completed. If you're performing without a partner, rest 60 seconds between each round, and find a regular 1-rep-max deadlift.
10 rounds 39 reps
Workout Scaled
Jonathan Schabruch 03/04/2022 Sheepdog CrossFit Cameron For time:
50 Walking lunge steps
25 Chest to bar pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Triple-unders
50 Back extensions
25 Ring dips
50 Knees to elbows
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball
50 Sit-ups
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
19m 48s
Performed as RX
Brad Jones 03/04/2022 CFSF Strength Deadlifts
135-225-275-305-100 lbs
Performed as RX
Sharon Muller 03/04/2022 CFSF Strength Deadlifts
105-115-125-145-155 lbs
Performed as RX
Christopher Albert 03/04/2022 CFSF Strength Deadlifts
295 lbs
Performed as RX
Joe VanGorder 03/04/2022 Sheepdog CrossFit Open Workout 22.1 15:00 AMRAP:
3 Wall Walks
12 Dumbbell Snatches, 50 lbs
15 Box Jump Overs, 24 in
7 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Eric H 03/03/2022 Farm Fitness None Partner Death by Row Calories

Alternate rounds. Partner A does one calorie. Partner B does 2 calories. Etc until both fail at their minute.
22 rounds 39 reps
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 03/03/2022 Sheepdog CrossFit None 8 rounds, each round for time, of:
200m Weight Vest Run, 20/14 lbs
5m 35s
Performed as RX
Sharon Muller 03/03/2022 CFSF In The Club 15:00 AMRAP
200 meter run
7 Pull-ups
5 Dips
5 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Jonathan Schabruch 03/02/2022 Sheepdog CrossFit None EMOM 16 minutes of:
Min 1: Deadlift, 225/155
Min 2: Bar-facing Burpees
Min 3: Rest
Min 4: Rest
Min 5: Push Jerk, 135/95
Min 6: Calories, Rower
Min 7: Rest
Min 8: Rest
134 reps
Performed as RX
Joe VanGorder 03/02/2022 Sheepdog CrossFit None EMOM 16 minutes of:
Min 1: Deadlift, 225/155
Min 2: Bar-facing Burpees
Min 3: Rest
Min 4: Rest
Min 5: Push Jerk, 135/95
Min 6: Calories, Rower
Min 7: Rest
Min 8: Rest
123 reps
Performed as RX
Sharon Muller 03/02/2022 CFSF Jungle Rapids For time:
21 Snatches, 75/45
9 Burpees
15 Snatches
15 Burpees
9 Snatches
21 Burpees
13m 34s
Workout Scaled
Christopher Albert 03/02/2022 CFSF Jungle Rapids For time:
21 Snatches, 75/45
9 Burpees
15 Snatches
15 Burpees
9 Snatches
21 Burpees
11m 54s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 03/02/2022 CFSF Jungle Rapids For time:
21 Snatches, 75/45
9 Burpees
15 Snatches
15 Burpees
9 Snatches
21 Burpees
16m 01s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 03/01/2022 Sheepdog CrossFit None Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 205-215-215-215-215 lbs
Performed as RX
Joe VanGorder 03/01/2022 Sheepdog CrossFit None Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 185-205-205-215-215 lbs
Performed as RX
Sharon Muller 03/01/2022 CFSF First Part For time:
400 meter run
50 Sit-ups
400 meter run
11m 29s
Performed as RX
Sharon Muller 03/01/2022 CFSF Second Part For time:
500 meter row
50 Hip extensions
500 meter row
7m 06s
Performed as RX
Christopher Albert 03/01/2022 CFSF First Part For time:
400 meter run
50 Sit-ups
400 meter run
8m 16s
Performed as RX
Christopher Albert 03/01/2022 CFSF Second Part For time:
500 meter row
50 Hip extensions
500 meter row
8m 29s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 02/28/2022 Sheepdog CrossFit None For time:
1.5 Mile Run
75 V-ups
50m Handstand Walk
35 Bar Muscle-ups
26m 11s
Performed as RX
Sharon Muller 02/28/2022 CFSF Dirty Thirty For time:
30 Box jumps, 24/20
30 Jumping pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings, 35/30
30 Walking lunges
30 Knees to elbows
30 Push presses, 45/35
30 Hip extensions
30 Wall ball shots
30 Burpees
30 Double-unders
21m 35s
Workout Scaled
Christopher Albert 02/28/2022 CFSF Dirty Thirty For time:
30 Box jumps, 24/20
30 Jumping pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings, 35/30
30 Walking lunges
30 Knees to elbows
30 Push presses, 45/35
30 Hip extensions
30 Wall ball shots
30 Burpees
30 Double-unders
27m 42s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 02/28/2022 CFSF Dirty Thirty For time:
30 Box jumps, 24/20
30 Jumping pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings, 35/30
30 Walking lunges
30 Knees to elbows
30 Push presses, 45/35
30 Hip extensions
30 Wall ball shots
30 Burpees
30 Double-unders
23m 38s
Workout Scaled