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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Lindsey Cooper 04/08/2015 LAF None Weightlifting
FS/BS 4 sets of 2/3 @ 90% of 1 RM FS

Even: 200m run
Odd: 10 Burpees
5 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 04/06/2015 LAF None Weightlifting:
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
60-65-70-75-75 lbs
Performed as RX
Lindsey Cooper 04/04/2015 LAFitness None Metcon
2 Rounds for Time:
1. 50 KB sings 35#
2. 800 m run
15m 53s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 04/02/2015 CFP None Metcon
5 Rounds for Time:
1. 3 Chest to bar pull ups.
2. 5 handstand push ups
3. 7 pistols (total)

2 minute rest

5 Rounds for time:
1. 5 pull ups
2. 10 Push ups
3. 15 Air squats
17m 35s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 04/01/2015 LAF None Weightlifting:
4x 4 Front Squat/3 Back Squat @85% 1RM

6 Rounds for Time:
1. 20 Walking Lunges
2. 15 sit ups
7m 30s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/31/2015 CFP None Weightlifting:
Turkish get up, 3x3 each side, build each set.

Metcon (AMRAP Rounds and Reps)--12
1. 12 Overhead squats 65#
2. 12 Push Press 65#
EMOM perform 3 bar-facing burpees
2 rounds 18 reps
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/28/2015 LAF None For Time:
1. Calorie Row
2. Thrusters 65 lbs.
17m 49s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/26/2015 CFP Elizabeth Strength
15 minutes find 1RM clean and jerk

21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
10m 55s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/25/2015 Home Cycling Tabata 15 minute warm up
4x20 sec max with 10 second interval
5 minute rest
15m 00s
Performed as RX
Lindsey Cooper 03/24/2015 CFP None 3 Position Snatch (6 sets)
1. From ground
2. From hang
3. High hang

Metcon 3 Rounds for time
1. 7 Power snatches
2. 42 Double Unders
3. 7 bar muscle ups
8m 36s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/23/2015 Home None Tabata bicycle on trainer

15 minute warm up
4 rounds 20 sec. max, 10 sec rest.

5 min cool down
15m 00s
Performed as RX
Lindsey Cooper 03/21/2015 LAF 3200 Row 3200m row for time 20m 09s
Performed as RX
Lindsey Cooper 03/19/2015 CFP None Strict Press 4-4-4-4-4

6 Rounds for time:
1. 200m Row
2. 10 Hanging knee raises
3. 50 Singue Unders
17m 36s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/17/2015 CFP None METCON for time:
1. 500 m Row
2. 10 KB Swings 18 lbs.
3. 40 Air squats
4. 10 KB Swings 18 lbs.
5. 30 Burpees
6. 10 KB Swings 18 lbs.
7. 20 Pull up progressions
8. 10 KB Swings 18 lbs.
17m 42s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/15/2015 LAF None 5 Rounds for Time:
1. 35 KB Swings, 24Kg
2. 30 Push ups
3. 25 Pull Ups
4. 20 Box jumps, 30 inches
5. 1 mile run
25m 00s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/12/2015 CFP None 3 Rounds
1. Handstand Push Up
2. Row

50 sit ups for time
3m 20s
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/10/2015 CFP None EMOM 10
1. 5 Deadlifts
2. 40 Single Unders

22 reps
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/05/2015 CFP None AMRAP--Rounds and Reps
5 minutes, 2 minute rest, 5 minutes

1. 5 push ups
2. 10 sit ups
3. 40 single unders

500m Row
4 rounds 19 reps
Workout Scaled
Lindsey Cooper 03/03/2015 CFP None 1 RM Pull up 20 minutes (Used bands)

1. Pull Up (Used bands)
2. Overhead Squat (15 lbs.)
9m 20s
Workout Scaled