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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Jonathan Schabruch 05/25/2009 Twins Two rounds, of each couplet, for time of:
750 meter Row
20 Handstand Push-ups

115 pound Thruster, 20 reps
20 L-Pull-ups

27m 13s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/15/2009 Run 800m X 4 Four rounds, each for time of:
800 meter run.
Rest as needed between efforts.
13m 02s
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/14/2009 GHDs/Back Extensions Five rounds for time of:
30 GHD Sit-ups
25 Back Extensions
10m 24s
Workout Scaled
Jonathan Schabruch 05/13/2009 Mary Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups
11 rounds 22 reps
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/12/2009 Power Clean 7X1 Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps 135-145-155-165-175-185f-185f lbs
Performed as RX
Jonathan Schabruch 05/11/2009 Grace 135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps 9m 08s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 03/24/2009 None Karen For time:
150 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
7m 10s
Performed as RX
Sarah Jett 10/29/1980 MacDill Birthday WOD Strength:
Backsquat 2-2-2-2 @ 145#

8 x DL @ 135#
8 x Double Under
8 x Thrusters @ 65#
8 x Pullups
8 x Power Cleans @ 65#
8 x Box Jumps
8 x KBS 40#
8 x Burpees
22m 25s
Performed as RX
Zac Hoehn 09/10/1970 Keshequa High School Watch Me Dip, Watch Me Burpee AMRAP in 3 Min

10 Dips
10 Burpees
04 rounds 10 reps
Performed as RX
Eric Hester 01/01/1900 Sheepdog CrossFit Rock The Bells, Again! Use 2 KB for all weighted movements 35 lb KB's
12 X KB Swings
12 X Snatch
12 X Clean n Jerk
12 X Bent over Rows
12 X Burpees
12 X Mountain Climbers
12 X Sotts Press
12 X Suit Case Swings
12 X Push-ups on the KB Handles
9m 55s
Performed as RX
Ophelia Senu 01/01/1900 Sikeston high school Crossfit 5 rounds
50 meters run
25 jump ropes
10m 00s
Performed as RX
Helen Kim 01/01/1900 None None AMRAP 20
Run 50 m
2 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24)
8 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
10 rounds 7 reps
Workout Scaled
Kirsten Johnson 01/01/1900 None None Push ups 15 squats 10 bench press 15 jump rope 20 weights 15 10m 00s
Performed as RX
Kirsten Johnson 01/01/1900 None None Planks 30 seconds hops 30 jump rope 30 seconds 7 times each 10m 00s
Performed as RX
Mariana Chavez 00/00/0000 face to face 21.1 21.1 open 21.1 605 reps
Performed as RX
Heriberto Rico 00/00/0000 open 21.1 21.1 open misto 21.1 605 reps
Performed as RX
Heriberto Rico 00/00/0000 face to face 21.1 21.1 open 21.1 605 reps
Performed as RX
Heriberto Rico 00/00/0000 open 21.1 21.2 OPEN 21.2 225 reps
Performed as RX
Angel angel 00/00/0000 open 21.1 21.1 open misto 21.1 374 reps
Performed as RX
Erick Erick 00/00/0000 open 21.1 21.1 open misto 21.1 406 reps
Performed as RX
Erick Erick 00/00/0000 face to face 21.1 21.1 open 21.1 367 reps
Performed as RX
Erick Erick 00/00/0000 open 21.1 21.2 OPEN 21.2 225 reps
Performed as RX
Brandon Hernandez 00/00/0000 open 21.1 21.1 open misto 21.1 605 reps
Performed as RX
Aldo Calzada 00/00/0000 open 21.1 21.1 open misto 21.1 605 reps
Performed as RX
Aldo Calzada 00/00/0000 open 21.1 21.2 OPEN 21.2 225 reps
Performed as RX