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Michelle Russo 01/12/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None Broomstick Mile (with PVC):

Back Squat X25
Front Squat X 25
OHS X 25
Run 400 M
Shoulder Press X 25
Push Press X 25
Push Jerk X 25
Run 400 M
Hang Clean X 50
Run 400 M
Snatch X 50
Run 400 M
22m 32s
Performed as RX
Michelle Russo 01/10/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None Buy in:
20 power cleans I did 15 65 lbs and 5 70 lbs
55 lbs:
5 rounds for time:
5 shoulder to over head
7 front squats
9 knee to elbows
11m 02s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Russo 01/09/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary Helen 3 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53, 35)
12 Pull Ups
12m 53s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Russo 01/06/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None 5 Rd of 3min AMRAP:
3 Thrusters (95, 65) did 35
6 Boxjumps (24, 20) step ups
9 pushups
1min rest between rds
13 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Michelle Russo 01/05/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None 2 Rounds For Time:
15 Handstand Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
25 Box Jumps F20/M24
30 Deadlifts F135/M185
35 Burpees
26m 37s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Russo 01/04/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary None 12 minute AMRAP
10 Power snatches F65/M95
10 Burpees
3 rounds 17 reps
Workout Scaled
Michelle Russo 01/03/2012 CrossFit Lake Mary DT Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps
16m 27s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Russo 12/08/2011 CrossFit Lake Mary Ground to Overhead Men lift 10,000 lbs from ground to overhead.Women lift 7,000 lbs from ground to overhead.
Pick any kind of movement (Clean and Jerk or snatch) and get it over head for a total of 10,000 lbs (men) and 7,000 lbs (women)
20m 30s
Workout Scaled
Michelle Russo 12/07/2011 CrossFit Lake Mary None 5 rounds for time of

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 air squats
50m sprint
15m 55s
Performed as RX
Michelle Russo 12/06/2011 CrossFit Lake Mary None Back squats
50% 1 set of 12
60% 2 sets of 7
75% 3 sets of 3
85% 4 sets of 2
60% 1 set of 10
3 set of 8 GHR only did 1 rep

Max 105 lbs lbs
Performed as RX
Michelle Russo 12/05/2011 CrossFit Lake Mary None 2rounds
20 kettle bell swings
25 butterfly sit-ups
800 meter run
17m 15s
Workout Scaled