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Ari-Beth Marlyne 12/08/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Bear Complex "W.O.D.: The Bear Complex
Without stopping or dropping the bar, complete the following sequence, seven times:
Power Clean;
Front Squat;
Push Press (have bar land behind head, in rear-rack position);
Back Squat;
Push-Press (have bar land on chest, in front-rack position).
Once youve completed the sequence seven times consecutively without stopping, drop the bar. Add weight, attempt another sequence of 7. Repeat for a total of five rounds.
25m 00s
Performed as RX
Ari-Beth Marlyne 12/04/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness T2B, KB Snatch, Run Strength:
Power Clean:
On a 2min Clock:
3@50%, 3@60%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 2@75%

Main WOD:
10 Toe2Bar
12 KB Snatch (1.5/1)
200M Run"

9m 30s
Workout Scaled
Ari-Beth Marlyne 12/03/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Front Squat & MUs Strength:
HSPU Progression

Main WOD:
8 FS (135/95)
4 MU
25min Cut off
16m 47s
Workout Scaled
Ari-Beth Marlyne 12/02/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Partner Row/Pushup Strength/Skill

Clean Lift Off Intro. Halting Clean DL 6x2 @ 80% (12reps) 90sec rest

Main WoD - Partner WoD

Complete 2 rounds;
200M Row/MaxPushups,
150M/Max PU
100M/Max PU
50M/Max PU
Score=push up total

20 min cutoff
221 reps
Performed as RX
Ari-Beth Marlyne 12/01/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Snatch Balance Strength
Snatch Push Press: 7x2 (60% of Snatch)

Main WoD

Snatch Balance:
5x2 Working up in weight (5 min prep then sets start every 2min), followed by.

9min EMOM:
1 Snatch Balance @ Heaviest weight from above
15 lb bar lbs
Performed as RX
Ari-Beth Marlyne 11/26/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Elite 80 Elite 80 - Partner WoD!
It's a Chipper for time:
80 Box jump, 24
80 Jumping pull-ups
80 Kettlebell swings, (16kg/12kg)
80 Steps of walking Lunge
80 Knees to elbows
80 Push press, 45/35
80 Good mornings (25/15)
80 Wall ball shots, (20/14)
80 Burpees
80 Double unders
Only one partner works out at a time--earn that Turkey!
30m 00s
Workout Scaled
Ari-Beth Marlyne 11/25/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Tabata Mash-Up Strength Wod:
DL - find 2 RM

Tabata Mash-Up
Ring push ups
Air squats

Challenge Wod:
Bring Sally planks
10 reps
Performed as RX
Ari-Beth Marlyne 11/24/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Push it Good Strength
Press (LP) 35

Main WoD
Push it Good
-Run 400m
-3 Thrusters (185/125)
-20 Abmat sit ups
20m 01s
Performed as RX
Ari-Beth Marlyne 11/21/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Barbara Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
45 min cap
28m 00s
Workout Scaled
Ari-Beth Marlyne 11/20/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Snatch Skill Work Snatch Skill Work

Take 4 warm up sets. (8xbar, 5, 3, 2)
Let the feel determine weight. Go up if technique feels good.
used pvc pipe - 30 snatches lbs
Performed as RX
Ari-Beth Marlyne 11/19/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness None Strength WOD
Bench Press (AR) 8x3 @ 65% + Chains (or bands)

Main WOD
"EMOM 10min:
-5 Chest Tap Push ups
-20 Double Unders"
floor press max = 61 lbs
Performed as RX
Ari-Beth Marlyne 11/18/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness High Speed, Low Drag Strength WOD:
Squat- 2rep Max Effort
20min Limit

Main WOD:
"High Speed, Low Drag"
For Time:
- Row 1000m
-10 Bar MU

14m 35s
Performed as RX
Ari-Beth Marlyne 11/17/2014 Team MaxFit Tactical Fitness Viper "Viper"
10! (10 factorial):
-Hang Power Clean (135/95)
-Ring Dips
-20m Shuttle
30m 00s
Workout Scaled