Seth Johnson

5' 7"

February 13, 2020

Performed at: Old City CrossFit
Workout Name: 4 RFT
Description: 400m run
3 rounds of
3 Power snatch - 3 Overhead squats - 3 Hang squat snatch
Rx - 95/65
Results: 28m 40s
Workout scaled
Modifications at: 75#
3 rounds of 2 rounds + 1 round of 3.

39 similar workouts

Date Name WorkoutDescription Results
03/10/2020 4 RFT Run 400 meters
12 Deadlifts (275/185)
12 strict pull ups
24m 40s
Workout Scaled
02/13/2020 4 RFT 400m run
3 rounds of
3 Power snatch - 3 Overhead squats - 3 Hang squat snatch
Rx - 95/65
28m 40s
Workout Scaled
01/28/2020 4 RFT 6 Strict Pull ups
9 DB Push press (50/35)
12 Wall balls (30/20)
11m 06s
Workout Scaled
01/23/2020 4 RFT 10 KB snatch/arm
15 Pull ups
20 Goblet squats
Rx - 53/35
15m 22s
Workout Scaled
12/03/2019 4 RFT 12 Wall ball (20/14)
9 Dbl DB Power cleans (50/35)
6 Dbl DB Racked lunges/leg (50/35)
10m 00s
Workout Scaled
11/26/2019 4 RFT 10 Dbl KB deadlift (70/53)
10 Dball shoulder (100/60)
10 DB step over (20) (2-50/35)
16m 35s
Workout Scaled
11/12/2019 4 RFT 200m run
10 KB thrusters (53/35)
10 KB snatches (53/35)
*Alternate arms each round
13m 24s
Workout Scaled
09/05/2019 4 RFT 12 SDLHP (95/65)
12 Dips
12 Push press (95/65)
10m 17s
Workout Scaled
08/22/2019 4 RFT 12 Push ups
8 Dball squat cleans (100/60)
7m 22s
Performed as RX
08/07/2019 4 RFT 25 Deadlifts - 135/95
25 Push jerks - 135/95
25 Pull ups

*30 min cap

29m 37s
Workout Scaled
07/19/2019 4 RFT 30 Double unders
20 KB Swings 70/53 (Amer or Rus)
10 Goblet squats 70/53
8m 49s
Workout Scaled
05/13/2019 4 RFT 4 RFT
12 Push ups
12 Single DB Hang clean and jerk - 50/35
12 Box step over - 50/35 (24/20)
17m 00s
Workout Scaled
05/01/2019 4 RFT 4 RFT
30 sec KB rack hold (per side) 70/53
30 KB swings 70/53
9m 41s
Workout Scaled
04/10/2019 4 RFT 4 RFT
20 Box jump over (24/20)
20 Amer KB swings (53/35)
400m Run
20 Toes to bar
20 KB snatch (53/35) total reps
38m 30s
Workout Scaled
04/05/2019 4 RFT 4 RFT
20 Wall ball (unbroken) - 20/14*
100m DB Farmers carry - 50/35
10 Pistols (5/5)
14m 56s
Workout Scaled
11/08/2018 4 RFT Run 200m
10 Push ups, with hands on handles 50/35
20 Renegade rows 50/35 (total)
10m 58s
Workout Scaled
09/26/2018 4 RFT 20 Lateral hops
15 Hang power clean 115/75
10 S2OH 115/75
15m 00s
Performed as RX
09/13/2018 4 RFT 4 rounds of
4 Bear complex 95/65
8 burpees
1m rest
9m 22s
Performed as RX
07/31/2018 4 RFT 6 Dips
12 Hang power clean 50-65% of RDL weight
24 air squats

*15 min cap
8m 10s
Performed as RX
07/10/2018 4 RFT Bike 15/12 calories
15 Power snatch 95/65
12 Overhead squats 95/65
9 C2B Pull ups

Rx+ 135/95
25m 15s
Workout Scaled
06/05/2018 4 RFT 4 RFT
20 Push press 95/65
15 Power cleans 95/65
10 Jumping lunges (total)
200m run
19m 47s
Performed as RX
05/23/2018 4 RFT 4 RFT
10 Overhead squats (115/75)
10 Toes to bar
9m 42s
Workout Scaled
05/10/2018 4 RFT 4 Rounds
5 Squat Snatch (115/75)
10 Pull ups
15 Broad Jumps Plate 2 Plate
11m 03s
Workout Scaled
04/25/2018 4 RFT 4 RFT
100m Farmers Carry (50/35)
50 Double unders
15 Deficit Push ups (On dumbbells)
12m 41s
Workout Scaled
03/05/2018 4 RFT 4 RFT
7 Burpees
7 Toes to bar
7 DB cluster 50/35
8m 40s
Workout Scaled
01/25/2018 4 RFT 4 RFT
10 Handstand push up (Rx+ strict)
8 Dbl KB swings 53/35
6 Dbl KB squats 53/35
4 Dbl KB shoulder to overhead 53/35
7m 55s
Workout Scaled
12/12/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
5 Man makers 50/35
25 Ab mat sit ups (15 GHD)
15m 10s
Workout Scaled
11/21/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
5 Curtis P 115/75
15 Buprees
30 KB Swings 70/53
60 Double unders

*35 min time cap*
32m 00s
Workout Scaled
11/10/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
8 Hang squat cleans
8 Jerks
2 Wall walks

Rx 135/95
14m 25s
Workout Scaled
09/28/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
10 DB Thrusters (50/35)
20 DB Snatches alt arms (50/35)
50 Double Unders
200m Farmers Carry (50/35)
35m 42s
Workout Scaled
09/08/2017 4 RFT 4 Rounds
25 Push Press (95/65)
Row 50 Cal or Bike 30 cals
100 Double unders

30 Min Time Cap

**This is another grinder, but not a fast grinder like Thursdays workout. This one will take some pacing not only on the push press, but on the bike/rower, and double unders. Were also trying to find a bike/row equivalent in calories for workouts like this when we use both. Key here is staying relaxed, stay aerobic, and keep your arms/shoulders loose from movement to movement.
30m 00s
Workout Scaled
08/29/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
12 Toes to bar
9 KB Snatches per arm 53/35
6 Handstand push ups (HSPU)

**Looking at the snatches here and building off of yesterdays workout, were looking to go 9 one arm, then switching to 9 on the other. I hear a lot of chatter about KB snatches hurting the forearms. Well, yeah, cuz you have a steel ball resting on it. Kinda like your hands get sore or sometimes ripped from pull ups because your hands is wrapped and moving around a steel pipe. Not gonna flat out say get used to it (okay I did) but BE AGGRESSIVE at the top and when pulling it back down, and that will help lessen the pain.
12m 19s
Workout Scaled
07/11/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
12 Over plate burpees
8 Plate G2OH 45/25
7m 29s
Performed as RX
06/20/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
12 Knees to elbow
9 Box jump over 24/20*
6 Squat snatch 95/65

*over/back = 1
15m 50s
Workout Scaled
05/24/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
25 Push Press (75/55)
50 DUs
18m 45s
Workout Scaled
05/16/2017 4 RFT 4 Rounds for time
10 Turkish Get Ups (53/35)
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
Run 400m
33m 17s
Workout Scaled
05/08/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
50 Wall Balls
30 KBS (70/53)
20 Pullups
40m 00s
Workout Scaled
04/11/2017 4 RFT 4 RFT
10 Box jump overs (total)
15 unbroken wall balls** (20/14#)
1mRest bwtn rounds


10 burpees

**(10 burpees for every broken wall ball section)
10m 01s
Workout Scaled
02/23/2017 4 RFT Conditioning:
10 Ring Rows
10 Plyo Pushups - onto a plate (pushup on the floor + pushup on the plate = 1rep)
10 Banded Air Squats
10 Plank Toe Touches
10 In-and-Outs
14m 43s
Performed as RX