Sylvain Tessier


May 6, 2019

Workout Name: Monday
Description: Sypniewski complex - 6 RFT - all with 25lb plate
6 overhead squats
6 shoulder to overhead
6 bent over rows
6 reverse lunges with twist per side
6 side chops per side

Tabata - 12 rds
side to side crunches - 21
good mornings - 25lb bar - 13

Tabata - 20 rds
stationary bike - level 6 - 120 rpm
Results: 12m 45s
Performed as RX
Warmup: ROM drills

21 similar workouts

Date Name WorkoutDescription Results
06/24/2019 Monday Sypniewski complex - 6 RFT - all with 25lb plate
6 overhead squats
6 overhead thrusts (through legs and up)
6 bent over rows
6 reverse lunges with twist per side
6 side chops per side - 10:58

Tabata - 12 rds
side to side crunches - 21+
good mornings - 25lb bar - 13+

Tabata - 20 rds - 180 rpm
elliptical - incline 4 resist 4 - 0.97 miles
10m 58s
Performed as RX
06/17/2019 Monday Sypniewski complex - 6 RFT - all with 25lb plate
6 overhead squats
6 overhead thrusts (through legs and up)
6 bent over rows
6 reverse lunges with twist per side
6 side chops per side

Tabata - 12 rds
side to side crunches - 22
good mornings - 25lb bar - 13+

Tabata - 20 rds - 165 rpm
elliptical - incline 4 resist 4 - 0.82 miles
11m 15s
Performed as RX
06/10/2019 Monday Sypniewski complex - 6 RFT - all with 25lb plate
6 overhead squats
6 overhead thrusts (through legs and up)
6 bent over rows
6 reverse lunges with twist per side
6 side chops per side

Tabata - 12 rds
side to side crunches - 21
good mornings - 25lb bar - 13

Tabata - 20 rds
stationary bike
11m 51s
Performed as RX
05/13/2019 Monday Sypniewski complex - 6 RFT - all with 25lb plate
6 overhead squats
6 overhead thrusts (through legs and up)
6 bent over rows
6 reverse lunges with twist per side
6 side chops per side

Tabata - 12 rds
side to side crunches - 21
good mornings - 25lb bar - 13

Tabata - 20 rds
stationary bike - level 6 - 120 rpm
2.28 miles
13m 41s
Performed as RX
05/06/2019 Monday Sypniewski complex - 6 RFT - all with 25lb plate
6 overhead squats
6 shoulder to overhead
6 bent over rows
6 reverse lunges with twist per side
6 side chops per side

Tabata - 12 rds
side to side crunches - 21
good mornings - 25lb bar - 13

Tabata - 20 rds
stationary bike - level 6 - 120 rpm
12m 45s
Performed as RX
03/05/2018 Monday 30:00 treadmill walk at 3 mph, with elevations increasing to 15% - burned 430 calories 1.50 mi
Performed as RX
02/26/2018 Monday Recumbent bike - 30 min - bike mode, increasing resistance to 7th gear 7.74 mi
Performed as RX
01/22/2018 Monday WOD 12 RFT - 10 reps per exercise
air squat
push up
side to side crunch
14m 51s
Performed as RX
10/02/2017 Monday Centennial Workout
unweighted good mornings - 100/75/50/25
5 minutes stationary bike between sets - 1 mile minimum distance covered
32m 30s
Performed as RX
09/04/2017 Monday Centennial workout - 100-75-50-25 reps
5 minute stationary bike - 1 mile minimum - between each round
32m 40s
Performed as RX
06/05/2017 Monday OPWOD 4 rounds for time
20x KB snatch (25/15)
15x box jump
200m run
12m 30s
Workout Scaled
05/15/2017 Monday OPWOD 12 min AMRAP
10x box jump
10x kbs (35/25)
ascending burpee ladder - +2 every round
5 rounds 29 reps
Workout Scaled
03/27/2017 Monday OPWOD 10-1 reps
Deadlift (95/65)
Box Jump
20m 00s
Performed as RX
03/07/2017 Monday OPWOD 30 min treadmill walk 3mph 1.50 mi
Performed as RX
02/20/2017 Monday OPWOD 15 min AMRAP - 21/18/15/12/9/6
KBS (35/25)
Box jump
162 reps
Performed as RX
02/13/2017 Monday OPWOD 5 rounds - in 2:00 complete
7x overhead squat (75/55)
Max burpee box jump
25 reps
Workout Scaled
01/30/2017 Monday OPWOD Strength - Deload
10X front squat (45)
20s step up (10/side)
10x V-up

Work capacity:
15 min AMRAP
25x push up
25x sit up
25x air squat
5 rounds 31 reps
Performed as RX
12/19/2016 Monday OPWOD 2 rds for time
50 cal
40 burpees
30x KBS (55/35)
20x pullups
800m run
28 reps
Workout Scaled
12/12/2016 Monday OPWOD 20 rounds for time
5 push ups
5 air squats
5 sit ups
14m 00s
Performed as RX
12/05/2016 Monday OPWOD 10 rounds for reps
:30 Max Thruster (95/65)
:30 rest
:30 Max sit up
:30 rest
150 reps
Workout Scaled
02/08/2016 SealFit Monday Push press - 5@40% - 65 lbs
5@50% - 85 lbs
5@60% - 105 lbs

then 5X10 lat pulldowns and seated rows 95 & 105 lbs
5 reps
Performed as RX