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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/21/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 30 burpee muscle ups in a 20# vest 21m 53s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/20/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 100 cal airdyne
50 wall balls
6m 08s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/20/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 12m AMRAP
50 Double Unders
20 Toes to Bar
10 Power Clean and Jerk (135/95)
3 rounds 77 reps
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/18/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 5 rounds for total time:
10 Front Squats (115/75) - Advanced does 10 OHS
10x10m runs
10 burpees

Rest 1 minute between rounds
11m 04s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/17/2013 Vintage CrossFit Mini Mary Complete as many rounds in 10 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups
6 rounds 12 reps
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/17/2013 Vintage CrossFit None Back Squat 10 reps
Back Squat 8 reps
Back Squat 6 reps
Back Squat 4 reps
255 lbs
275 lbs
290(4) lbs
290(2) lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/15/2013 Home None Push Jerk 10-10-10 185-190(7)-185 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/15/2013 Home CrossFit Games Open 11.1 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches

The Power snatch loads are as follows:
Men and Masters Men 45-49, 50-54: 75lbs/35kg
Women and Masters Women 45-54: 55lbs/25kg
Masters Men 55-59, 60 : 65lbs/30kg
Masters Women 55-59, 60 : 45lbs/20kg
6 rounds 43 reps
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/13/2013 Vintage CrossFit Morning WOD 25 Calorie Airdyne
15 Deadlifts, 315#
20 Calorie Airdyne
12 Deadlifts, 315#
15 Calorie Airdyne
9 Deadlifts, 315#
10 Calorie Airdyne
6 Deadlifts, 315#
5 Calorie Airdyne
3 Deadlifts, 315#
10m 53s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/12/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 3 rounds of:
7 Muscle Ups
14 Thrusters (115/85)
21 med ball situps
11m 39s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/10/2013 Vintage CrossFit None For time:
100 KB Swings (53/36)
Starting at 1:00, every minute perform 10 jumping lunges
5m 40s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/09/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 24 C2B Pullups
20 Burpee lateral box jump overs (20/16)
18 C2B
20 Burpee lateral box jump overs
12 C2B
20 Burpee later box jump overs
6 C2B
8m 43s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/06/2013 Vintage CrossFit Morning WOD 5 rounds of
20 calorie airdyne
5 bench press, 185#
9m 49s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/06/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 500m row
400m run
100 Double Unders
25 Burpees
5m 47s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/06/2013 Vintage CrossFit None Front Squat 5-5
Front Squat 3-3-3
205-225 lbs
255-260-265(1) lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/05/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 4 Rounds for time
15 Hand Release Pushups
15 KB Swings (53/36)
15 Box Jumps (24/20) - Games Standards (hip open on top)
7m 10s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/04/2013 Vintage CrossFit None Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
Increase across all sets
315-345-365-385-405 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/04/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 10m AMRAP
10 Deadlifts (135/95) (scale to 50% of heaviest triple)
10 Front Squats
10x10m run
10 Ring Dips
4 rounds 22 reps
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/03/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 2 Squat Clean + 2 Jerks 185-205-225-230f-230 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/03/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 3 rounds for time of:
20 tire flips with 4 jump throughs
20 pistols
10m 30s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/01/2013 Vintage CrossFit Lee Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
345 pound Deadlift, 1 rep
185 pound Squat clean, 3 reps
185 pound Push jerk, 5 reps
3 Muscle-ups
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
21m 59s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 11/30/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 12 minute AMRAP of:

250m Row
10 Front Rack BB Stepups 20 (5l/5r) 135/95#
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
4 rounds 250 reps
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 11/30/2013 Vintage CrossFit None Hang Squat Snatch 2-2-2-2-2
Hang Squat Clean and Jerk 2-2-2-2-2
135-155-165-175-185-190-195(1)-195f lbs
185-225-235-240f-240(1)-240f lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 11/29/2013 Vintage CrossFit Jerry For time:
Run 1 mile
Row 2K
Run 1 mile
21m 15s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 11/27/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 2 sets of 20 steps weighted overhead Walking Lunge 130-140 lbs
Performed as RX