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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Karina Romero 11/01/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Push Press 3-3-3-3 @ 85% 70 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 11/01/2017 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 25 Minutes
40 Air Squats
20 Hang Power Cleans 95/65lbs

This should be a long, steady workout. The Hang Cleans should be 2 sets of less the entire time (read: light weight) and the handstand push ups should also be 2 sets or less. Scale the volume or depth accordingly to challenge yourself and to keep moving.

Beginner: 65/45; 3 reps of kick up to wall and :15sec hold
Intermediate: 80/55; 6-8 HSPU and/or reduced ROM
Advanced: Rx
6 rounds 60 reps
Workout Scaled
Karina Romero 10/31/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Back Squat
Work up to a heavy single around 90%
5x3 @ 82.5%
105 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/31/2017 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 15 Minutes
Run 200m
15 Pull Ups
(Must be done in sets of 5 or more)
Rest :30

For the AMRAP work on pushing the run and taking very short breaks between pull ups, get comfortable jumping down and jumping right back up.

Beginner: Use bands to allow for 5+ reps with a focus on full ROM!
Intermediate/Advanced: Rx
5 rounds 25 reps
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/30/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Squat Snatch
6x3 @ 72.5-77.5%

More snatches, higher percentage. STICK TO IT.
40 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/30/2017 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 12 Minutes
5 Deadlifts 225/155lbs
10 Bar Facing Burpees
40 Double Unders

AMRAP should be 12 minutes of consistent effort. Goal should be to pick a pace and stick to it until the end.

Beginner: 135/95; 60 Single Unders or 30 Singles Left + 30 Singles Right
Intermediate: 185/125; 20 Double Unders
Advanced: Rx
5 rounds 1 reps
Workout Scaled
Karina Romero 10/27/2017 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 4 Minutes x 3

24 Wallballs 20/14lbs
12 Toes to Bar
18 Wallballs
9 Toes to Bar
12 Wallballs
6 Toes to Bar
(If you finish start back at the top)
Rest 2:00
Reset each AMRAP

Pick a weight and toes to bar variation that allows you to maintain two sets or less on both wall balls and toes to bar.
204 reps
Workout Scaled
Karina Romero 10/26/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Squat Snatch
Warm Up
4x2 @ 60-70%
w/ pause at knee
drop and reset


7x1 @ 80-90%
50 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/26/2017 Vintage CrossFit None 12 Round with a Partner, alternating full rounds
Row 250/200m
15 Push Ups

100% effort on every row!
18m 28s
Workout Scaled
Karina Romero 10/21/2017 2017 Energy Games Synchro Couplet 10 min AMRAP
M/F Pair 1:
10 Syncro Overhead Squats (95/65)
10 Syncro Toes to Bar
M/F Pair 2:
10 Syncro Overhead Squats (95/65)
10 Syncro Toes to Bar
119 reps
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/21/2017 2017 Energy Games Burpee Sprint Completed as a Relay:
4 Rounds
20 Parallette Facing Burpees
Run 1 Lap
*CAP 15 min
13m 57s
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/21/2017 2017 Energy Games Rig Chipper 4 Person Relay
600m Row
21 Front Squats (135/85)
15 Hang Power Clean (135/85)
9 Pull Ups
*CAP 18 min
*Once an athlete completes the row, the next athlete may begin (waterfall style)
*Athletes may only move to the barbell once the previous athlete has reached the finish mat
18m 24s
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/21/2017 2017 Energy Games Snatch/Carry/Sprint As a Team
300 Alternating DB Snatch (50/30)
4 x 160ft Buddy Carry (each)
Partner M1 carries M2 / Partner F1 carries F2 160ft
Partner M2 carries M1 / Partner F2 carries F1 160ft
160 ft Sprint with DBs
*CAP 15 min
*For the DB Snatch - Partition as needed, Advance both DBs every 20 Reps, No minimum work requirement
13m 28s
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/21/2017 2017 Energy Games Floater For time
400 Double Unders
1 Athlete completes double unders
2 Athletes (M/F) must hold ????? for reps to count
Switch as needed
*CAP 5 min
8m 2s
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/18/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Push Press
4x4 @ 80%

Push Press percentage work, stay right at 80% for all 16 reps.
65 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/18/2017 Vintage CrossFit None AMRAP 4 Minutes x 3
Rest 2:00

7 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
21 Double Unders

Overhead squats should be unbroken every round.

Beginner: 55/35; 30 Single Unders or 15 singles on one leg followed by 15 singles on the other leg
Intermediate: 75/50;
Advanced: Rx
141 reps
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Snatch
6x3 @ 70-75%
Snatch percentage work, STICK TO THE PERCENTAGE!

Drop and reset each rep
40 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/16/2017 Vintage CrossFit None 15 Back Squats 185/125lbs
7 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Back Squats
7 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Back Squats
7 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Back Squats
7 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Back Squats
7 Bar Facing Burpees

Beginner: 105/75
Intermediate: 155/105
Advanced: Rx
Competitor: 225/155
6m 31s
Workout Scaled
Karina Romero 10/14/2017 Vintage CrossFit None As a team of 3:
Bike 10k/8k
Partner 1: Bike
Partner 2: 200m Run with sandbag
Partner 3: Rest (Advanced Option: Hold Plank on rings, can only bike while partner is in the plank)
16m 10s
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/13/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Front Squat 1RM 110 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/13/2017 Vintage CrossFit None For Time
40 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"
30 Overhead Squats 115/75lbs
20 Bar Muscle Ups

10 Minute Cap

Beginner: 20/16" Burpee Box Step Overs; 65/45; 20 Strict Chin Ups or Banded Strict Chin Ups
Intermediate: 95/65; 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups in unbroken sets of 2 or more.
Advanced: Rx

Treat this WOD like an Open WOD. Every rep counts. Can you finish the 90 reps in the time cap?
10m 19s
Workout Scaled
Karina Romero 10/12/2017 Vintage CrossFit None 3 Rounds
50m Farmer's Carry (53/35lbs per hand)
Row 500m

10 minute cap

Beginner: 35/26
Intermediate+: Rx
10m 07s
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/11/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Push Press 1RM 85 lbs
Performed as RX
Karina Romero 10/11/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Every 3 Minutes until failure
Run 200m
12 Thrusters 75/55lbs
3 Pull Ups

Rest remainder

Increase Pull Up reps by 3 each interval

The goal is to complete at least four full rounds. Scale appropriately.

Beginner: 45/35; Banded Pull Ups
Intermediate: 65/45; 2-4-6-8-10 pull ups
Advanced: Rx
Competitor: C2B
5 rounds 21 reps
Workout Scaled
Karina Romero 10/09/2017 Vintage CrossFit None Squat Snatch 1RM 55 lbs
Performed as RX