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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Dennis Sukholutsky 01/05/2014 Vintage CrossFit None 14 Power Snatch, 115
14 Box Jump Step Downs, 30"
14 Power Snatch, 115
14 Box Jump Step Downs, 30"
21 Hand Release Pushups
7 Power Snatch, 165
7 Box Jump Step Downs, 30"
7 Power Snatch, 165
7 Box Jump Step Downs, 30"
21 Hand Release Pushups
11m 43s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 01/03/2014 Vintage CrossFit None 8 min AMRAP
4 Power Cleans (155/105)
8 Pullups
12 Box Jumps (24/20) - Games standard
* If 3 rounds are completed, athlete will switch to chest to bar pullups
** If 6 rounds are completed, athlete will switch to bar muscle ups
6 rounds 8 reps
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 01/03/2014 Vintage CrossFit None 5 sets for load
1 Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Jerk
Squat clean counts as first squat
225-245-250-255f lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 01/02/2014 Vintage CrossFit None Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
3 Shoulder Press + 3 Push Press
275-295-305-305-305-305-310-310-295-295 lbs
135-140-140 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 01/02/2014 Vintage CrossFit None 3 RFT
25 calorie airdyne
25 GHD Situps
6m 47s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 01/01/2014 Vintage CrossFit None For time:
500 burpees
44m 57s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 01/01/2014 Vintage CrossFit None Weighted Pullups 5-5-5-5-5
3 sets 20 Step Front Rack Walking Lunge with axle, no rest between steps
45-45-45-45-45(4) lbs
110-110-110 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/31/2013 Vintage CrossFit Hidalgo For time:
Run 2 miles
Rest 2 minutes
135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps
20 Box jump, 24" box
20 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead
20 Box jump, 24" box
135 pound Squat clean, 20 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Run 2 miles

If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
44m 46s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/30/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 1000m row
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 Toes to bar
6m 50s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/29/2013 Home None 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch 135-155-165-175-185f-185-190f lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/29/2013 Home Donny 21-15-9-9-15-21 reps for time of:
225 pound Deadlift
10m 42s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/29/2013 Vintage CrossFit The Outlaw Way 131228 5 rounds for total working time of:

Row 500m
15 Thrusters 105/70#

Rest 1:1
24m 03s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/28/2013 Vintage CrossFit None Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
185-205f-205-210-215-220(1) lbs
135-185-205-210-215 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/28/2013 Vintage CrossFit The Outlaw Way 131223 5 rounds for total time of:

15 6 Target Burpees (absolutely as fast as possible)
20 UB Wall Balls 20/14

Rest 1:00 after each round.
11m 23s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/27/2013 Vintage CrossFit Morning Lift Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 185-195-195-195-195 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/27/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 5 sets of 3 Front Squats + 3 High Box Jumps 245-255-255-260-260 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/26/2013 Vintage CrossFit Morning WOD 10 Rounds
Row 15 Calories
3 Deficit HSPU (Hands on 25# plates)
11m 50s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/26/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 40 Jumping Lunges
20 Pullups
20 Clean and Jerks (95/65)
30 Jumping Lunges
20 Pullups
15 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
20 Jumping Lunges
20 Pullups
10 Clean and Jerks (185/115)

20 Minute Cap
12m 39s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/25/2013 Home None 5 sets of 1 Squat Clean + 4 Front Squats 225-225-230-230-235 lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/25/2013 Home None 5 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
50 unbroken double unders
45 unbroken double unders
40 unbroken double unders
35 unbroken double unders
30 unbroken double unders
25 unbroken double unders
20 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken double unders
10 unbroken double unders
5 unbroken double unders
10m 35s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/24/2013 Home None Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 135-165-185-195f-195-205f-205f-205f-205f lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/24/2013 Home DT Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps
8m 44s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/22/2013 Home None For Time:
160-120-80 Double unders
80-60-40 Air squats
40-30-20 HR Push ups
14m 43s
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/22/2013 Home None 10 sets of 1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat with 2-second hold at bottom on a :60s clock

5 sets of 1 Power Clean + 2 1-1/4 squats on a :90s clock
165(4)-175(6) lbs
205(3)-215(2) lbs
Performed as RX
Dennis Sukholutsky 12/21/2013 Vintage CrossFit None 3-position snatch, high to low
Clean and Jerks @90%
135-165f-165-175f-175-185f-185f-185-185f lbs
245-245-245-245-245 lbs
Performed as RX