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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
John Kavanaugh 01/23/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD Four rounds
Snatch-12 reps F65/M95
Tire pull- 200ft
Side shuffle(low)-200 meters
Dubs-30 mod 90
27m 58s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/21/2012 CrossFit ATP Fight Gone Bad Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 24" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75/55 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
3 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
John Kavanaugh 01/20/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9...........
in 15 minutes
Jump Slamball
10 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/19/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Straight leg deadlift-progression of lift
1Rm deadlift
245# lbs
Performed as RX
John Kavanaugh 01/19/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD Four rounds:
Deadlift-12 reps F155/M205
400 meters
10m 36s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/18/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD "Chipper"
100 dubs (300 mod) - [300 regular]
90 sit ups [Butterfly]
80 air squats
70 ring dips
60 wallballs [14#]
50 pullups
40 reverse lunges F25/M45 [35#]
30 push press F65/M95 [75#]
20 box jumps
10 OHS F65/M95 [65#]
800m run
37m 45s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/16/2012 CrossFit ATP 1 Mile 1 mile T/T 5m 32s
Performed as RX
John Kavanaugh 01/16/2012 CrossFit ATP Nate
Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2/8 Muscle-ups
4/8 Handstand Push-ups
8/16 F24kg/M32kg Kettlebell swings
6 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/14/2012 CrossFit ATP Partner WOD 4 rounds
400m medball run
24m 00s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/13/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD AMRAP 20:00
200 meters
Sled push-100ft (Low Bar)
Wall Jump-2 jumps
Power Snatch-3 reps F75/M115 [95#]

7 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/12/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD "Samantha"
Three rounds
Medball Front squats-40 reps F14/M20
Pullups-40 reps
Box jumps-40 reps
21m 20s
Performed as RX
John Kavanaugh 01/12/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Front Squat-progression out of rack
Front squat-2 reps on the minute every minute for 10 minutes. Add 10 lbs every minute

95-105-115-125-135-145-155-165-175-175 lbs
Performed as RX
John Kavanaugh 01/11/2012 CrossFit ATP Nancy 5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95/65 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps (45#)
13m 28s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/10/2012 CrossFit ATP Diane 21-15-9 reps of:
225/185 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups
9m 03s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/10/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Romanian Deadlift-4 sets 8 reps
(moderate weight,good form!)
*add weight each set to failure
155-165-175-185-195-205 lbs
Performed as RX
John Kavanaugh 01/09/2012 CrossFit ATP 01/09/12 The Bear Complex

5 rounds of (75#):
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

*Once through these exercises is ONE rep. 7 reps in a round.
*No resting on the ground between reps – not even to re-grip!
* Front squat must be separate from the power clean!
*1 minute rest between rounds.
10m 50s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/06/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD Three rounds
OH walking plate lunges-F25/45 (200ft) - [45#, 35#, 35#]
Pullups-15 reps
Rope climb-1 ascent
800 meters
27m 01s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/05/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD:
3 rounds:
Clean and Jerk 15 reps (F95/M135) [95#]
Ring Dips 15 reps
400 meters
16m 14s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/04/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps:
Power Clean (F115/M155) - 95#
muscle-ups (from the floor)
13m 44s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Snatch Balance

95# lbs
Performed as RX
John Kavanaugh 01/03/2012 CrossFit ATP Randy 65# Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 5m 39s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 01/02/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD Chipper 2 rounds:

20x Jump Squats
Farmers Walk 200 ft. (24kg)
20x Wall Balls (20#)
Farmers Walk 200 ft. (24kg)
20x SDHP (75#)
Farmers Walk 200 ft.(24kg)
20x Ring Push-ups
Farmers Walk 200 ft. (24kg)
15m 38s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 12/24/2011 CrossFit ATP WOD CHIPPER
400 meters
40x back squats (45#)
40x front squats (45#)
40x OH squats (35#)
400 meters
40x shoulder press (45#)
40x push press (45#)
40x push jerk (25 @ 45#, 15 @ 35#)
400 meters
40x hang power clean (45#)
40x hang power snatch (20 @ 45#, 20 @ 35#)
400 meters
24m 12s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 12/23/2011 CrossFit ATP WOD Three rounds:
Power Clean-15 reps 95#
800 meters
18m 31s
Workout Scaled
John Kavanaugh 12/22/2011 CrossFit ATP WOD Three rounds for time of:
Double unders-50
45 pound Snatch, 15 reps
16m 49s
Workout Scaled