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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Tom Muller 06/14/2023 CFSF Strength Bench press
185 lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 06/14/2023 CFSF 2:00 Max Rep Sit-ups 2:00 Max rep Sit-ups
60 reps
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 06/12/2023 CFSF Cinqo Dos 5:00 AMRAP
9 Deadlifts, 95/65
6 Hang power cleans
3 Shoulder to overhead
-Rest 2:00-
5:00 AMRAP
5 calorie Row
5 Burpees
9 rounds 3 reps
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 06/09/2023 CFSF Dirty 30 For time:
30 Box jumps, 24/20
30 Jumping pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings, 53/35
30 Walking lunges
30 Knees to elbows
30 Push presses, 45/35
30 Hip extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20/16
30 Burpees
30 Double unders
25m 52s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 06/07/2023 CFSF Megan 21-15-9 reps for time:
Kettlebell swings, 53/35
Double unders
9m 32s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 06/06/2023 CFSF Strength Deadlift
245 lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 06/05/2023 CFSF Strength Push press
135-145-155-160-165(f) lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 06/02/2023 CFSF No Name #13 7:00 AMReP
Hip extensions
Athlete will perform one rep of each exercise, then two reps each, continuing until time expires.
*Athlete will perform one Burpee between each round.
81 reps
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 06/02/2023 CFSF 3:00 Dead Hang 3:00 Dead hang
*Athlete will perform one Burpee earch time they drop off the bar. Number of Burpees is your score. Low wins.
6 reps
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/31/2023 CFSF Annie 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
15m 42s
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/30/2023 CFSF R&R 3 rounds for time:
500 meter row
7 Burpees
400 meter run
21m 00s
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/26/2023 CFSF Strength Back squat
-25# lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/25/2023 CFSF Strength Shoulder press
115# lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/24/2023 CFSF Mountain 11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 reps of:
Deadlifts, 185/125
Loaded sit-ups, 20/16
9m 44s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 05/23/2023 CFSF Commander Dan 5 rounds for time:
100 meter run
5 Pull-ups
100 meter run
5 Burpees
14m 33s
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/22/2023 CFSF Holley 10 rounds for time:
5 Wall ball shots, 20/16
1 Power clean, 225/135
12m 14s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 05/19/2023 CFSF Cindy Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
8 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/17/2023 CFSF Grace 135 pound Clean and Jerk, 30 reps 3m 43s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 05/11/2023 CFSF Death by Clean and Jerk With a continuously running clock, athlete will perform one rep each minute adding reps, until the set cannot be completed within the minute.
5 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 05/10/2023 CFSF Endurance 6 rounds each for time:
250 meter row
Rest as needed between rounds.
0m 58s
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/10/2023 CFSF Strength 3-2-1-2-3
Bench press
185(f) lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/05/2023 CFSF Strength 5-5-5-5-5
Push press
115# lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 05/02/2023 CFSF Banzai 3 rounds for time:
21 K2E
15 Box jumps, 24/20
9 Wall ball shots, 20/16
12m 14s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 05/01/2023 CFSF Strength 5-5-5-5-5
235 lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 04/27/2023 CFSF Endurance 6 rounds each for time:
250 meter row
Rest as needed between rounds.
0m 58s
Performed as RX