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JP Remedio 08/10/2015 CrossFit Pintados Helen Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
14m 42s
Performed as RX
JP Remedio 08/04/2015 CrossFit Pintados Fran Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
9m 49s
Performed as RX
JP Remedio 03/30/2015 CrossFit Pintados Rock you like a Hurricane 15 min AMRAP

15 kipping pull ups (Advanced: 15 reps, Intermediate*: 10 reps, Novice: 10 ring rows)

50 foot overhead plate lunge (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 25lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

10 plate burpees -taking the plate from the ground to locked out overhead- (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 25lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

100m sprint

Rest 2 minutes **

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

** RX ONLY: If you finish your last round after the 13 minute mark, you have the option of skipping the last 2 minute rest to get some reps in on an additional round.
3 rounds 15 reps
Performed as RX
JP Remedio 03/29/2015 CrossFit Pintados Blitzkrieg Bop 7 min AMRAP

800m run

Then max rounds with the remaining time:

16 wall ball (Advanced:20lb/10ft, Intermediate*: 14lb/9ft, Novice: 10lb/9ft)

8 Knees to elbows

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 2 4 rounds. Scale up to 30/20lb wall ball for an additional challenge.
1 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
JP Remedio 03/22/2015 CrossFit Pintados Peter and the Wolf 7 minutes.

100m sprint

2 heavy kettlebell swings American- (Advanced: 32 kg, Intermediate*: 24kg, Novice: 16 kg)

100m sprint

4 heavy kettlebell swings

100m sprint (= 1 rep)

6 heavy kettlebell swings

Etc. (until the time runs out, keep doing one sprint, and adding two reps to the kb swings).

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 35 99 REPs (estimated). Scale up the kb swings to 36/28 kg for an extra challenge.
49 reps
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 03/17/2015 CrossFit Pintados Moscow Makeover For time.


Russian Kettlebell swing (Advanced: 70lbs, Intermediate*: 53lbs, Novice: 35lbs)

Abmat sit up (butterfly)

Hand release push ups

Scaling Guide: 4 8 minutes. 9 minute cut off. For an additional challenge, scale up the kb weight to 88/70 and do clapping push-ups.
4m 13s
Performed as RX
JP Remedio 03/15/2015 CrossFit Pintados The Boys Be Home Again 7 min AMRAP

20 dumbbell thrusters (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

Then max rounds with the remaining time:

8 toes to bar

12 wall ball (Advanced: 20lb/10ft, Intermediate*: 14lb/9ft, Novice: 10lb/8ft)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 2 5 rounds. For an extra challenge, do the thrusters unbroken, and scale up the wall ball weight to 30lb/20lb.
3 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 03/09/2015 CrossFit Pintados Buffalo Soldier 14 minutes, with a 2 round rolling start.

No more than 2 rounds in the first 4 minutes (if you finish early, you must stop and wait)

16 wall ball (Advanced: 20lb/10ft, Intermediate*: 14lb/9ft, Novice: 10lb/8ft)

12 box jump (Advanced: 24in, Intermediate*: 20in, Novice: 12in) step ups allowed-

8 toes to bar (Novice: 16 sit ups)

Then AMRAP for the next 10 minutes. If you cannot complete two rounds in the first 4 minutes, then just keep going at the 4 minute mark and treat the whole like a standard 14 minute AMRAP.

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 4 8 rounds. Scale up the wall ball to 30/20lbs if you know youll be outside of the guide range.
3 rounds 22 reps
Performed as RX
JP Remedio 03/08/2015 CrossFit Pintados Beautiful Avalanche 3 rounds for time.

10 dumbbell thrusters (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

200m run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 8 minutes. Scale up the DB weight to 55 and 35lbs respectively.
6m 18s
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 03/03/2015 CrossFit Pintados Too Clever by Half 12 min AMRAP

10 clean and jerks (Advanced: 52.5kg, Intermediate*: 35kg, Novice: 25kg)

15 abmat sit ups

30 dumbbell walking lunge one in each hand, arms at sides- (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds. Scale up the c&j weight to 60/42.5 for an additional challenge.
3 rounds 10 reps
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 03/01/2015 CrossFit Pintados CrossFit Open 15.1 Complete as many rounds and reps as
possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.)
5 snatches (115 / 75 lb.)
0 rounds 130 reps
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 03/01/2015 CrossFit Pintados CrossFit Open 15.1A 1-rep-max clean and jerk
6-minute time cap
60 kg kgs
Performed as RX
JP Remedio 02/24/2015 CrossFit Pintados You Oughta Know For time.

10 dumbbell weighted kipping pull ups (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 20lbs, Novice: strict band assisted)

50 walking lunge

10 weighted pull ups (same)

50 walking lunge

800m run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 5 10 minutes
7m 40s
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 02/23/2015 CrossFit Pintados Fortunate Son 3 rounds for time.

12 front squats (Advanced: 60kg, Intermediate*: 42.5kg, Novice: 30kg)

12 burpee pull ups

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 5 12 minutes. Scale up to OHS for an extra challenge (even for just the first round)!
12m 24s
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 02/22/2015 CrossFit Pintados Russian Frenzy In 2 minutes:

15 heavy Russian kettlebell swings (Advanced: 32kg, Intermediate*: 24kg, Novice: 16kg)

Then max repetitions of low sled push & high sled push 20 feet (Advanced: 80kg, Intermediate*: 40kg, Novice: +0lbs) Each sled push is 1 rep (out and back = 2 reps)

Rest 2 minutes

Repeat 15 kb swings and then max sled pushes in 2 min again.

Record total sled push reps.

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 15 30 reps (remember that out and back = 2 reps)
13 reps
Performed as RX
JP Remedio 02/17/2015 CrossFit Pintados Brown Sugar 6 min AMRAP

Chest to bar pull ups (Advanced: 10 reps, Intermediate*: 5 reps, Novice: kipping or band pull ups)

10 goblet squats (Advanced: 32kg, Intermediate*: 24kg, Novice: 16kg)

10 bumper plate burpees (Advanced: 20kg, Intermediate*: 10kgvice: 15lbs Dbs)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds
2 rounds 10 reps
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 02/16/2015 CrossFit Pintados For What Its Worth 7 min AMRAP

8 ring push ups (Advanced*: rings near floor, straps vertical, Intermediate: rings set to near floor height, feet under anchor point, straps at 45 degree angle, Novice: rings set near waist height, rings at 45 deg angle).

8 dumbbell hang power cleans (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 20lbs)

100m run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 7 rounds. Scale up to ring dips for an extra challenge
5 rounds 8 reps
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 02/15/2015 CrossFit Pintados Back in Black 3 rounds for time.

5 power cleans (Advanced: 70kg, Intermediate*: 47.5kg, Novice: 30kg)

10 toes to bar

200m sprint

5 power cleans (same)

10 toes to bar

200m sprint

1 minute rest

Scaling Guide: 10 18 minutes.
18m 48s
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 02/10/2015 CrossFit Pintados The Starting Line For time.

15 power snatches (Advanced: 60kg, Intermediate*: 37.5kg, Novice: 25kg)

400m run

10 power snatches

400m run

5 power snatches

400m run

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 8 12 minutes. Scale up the weights to 65/42.5 for an additional challenge.
13m 34s
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 02/08/2015 CrossFit Pintados Siberian Dancing Bear 7 min AMRAP

10 heavy Russian kettlebell swings (Advanced: 32kg, Intermediate*: 24kg, Novice: 16kg)

50 bear crawl

15 abmat sit ups

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 6 rounds
4 rounds 4 reps
Performed as RX
JP Remedio 02/05/2015 CrossFit Pintados Mitzi Moves Away 6 minutes. (Lots of loaded carries in honor of her moving back to the Philippines)

60 dumbbell overhead walk one db in each hand- (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 25lbs, Novice: 15lbs)

1 dumbbell front squat one db in each hand- (same weight)

60 db overhead walk (one time)

2 db front squats

60 db overhead walk (one time)

3 db front squats

Continue until the time runs out.

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 65 120 reps
7 reps
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 02/03/2015 CrossFit Pintados Rainy Day For time.

10 8 6 4 2 Handstand push-ups (Advanced: head to floor, Intermediate*: 1 abmat, Novice: two hand db strict press with a challenging weight)

2 round trip sled pushes 20 feet after each set of HSPU (Advanced: 80kg, Intermediate*: 40kg, Novice: 20kg)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 4 8 minutes. Scale up to deficit or head to floor HSPU (ladies) for an extra challenge.
7m 52s
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 02/01/2015 CrossFit Pintados Fallen 44 For Time

4 Squat Snatches (42.5/30*/20)

Then 4 Rounds of:

11 Pull-ups (Women: Ring Rows)
11 Hand Release Push-ups
11 T2B
11 box jumps (24/20)

Then Finish w/ 4 Squat Snatches.
13m 44s
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 01/27/2015 CrossFit Pintados Road Warriors Now Recruiting 13 min AMRAP

30 left hand suitcase dumbbell lunges (Advanced: 45lbs, Intermediate*: 30lbs, Novice: 20lbs)

16 dumbbell power snatches (alternate as necessary) same weight

30 right hand suitcase dumbbell lunges same weight

300m row

1 minute rest**

*Womens Rx

**If you finish your last round after minute 12, you have the option to go ahead and start another round before the 13 minute mark! (skip the last rest)

Scaling Guide: 3 5 rounds. Scale up: Hold the dumbbell overhead.
3 rounds 76 reps
Workout Scaled
JP Remedio 01/25/2015 CrossFit Pintados CrossFit Open 11.1 Cut in Half 5 min AMRAP

30 double Unders * (Intermediate: 15, Novice: 60 single unders)

15 power snatches (Advanced: 35 kg, Intermediate*: 25 kg, Novice: 16 kb swings)

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 5 rounds. Scale up: Do the 10 min version (the original 11.1 workout).
2 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX