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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
mike pace 02/15/2015 boot camp #286..."Taek a Vit C Steve!" 11 AMRAP
3 wall balls
3 box jumps
3 deadlifts 135#

me=15 rds., marcos=14 rds, kirchert=15 rds
15 rounds 135 reps
Performed as RX
mike pace 02/14/2015 Thrive Racquetball racquetball...90 min
me=5100 strides=4.2mi
marcos=5200 strides= 4.3 mi
kirchert=7000 strides=6.6 mi
4.20 mi
Performed as RX
mike pace 02/13/2015 boot camp #303..."Triumvirate"... 15-12-9-6-3
thrusters 95#
HR pushups
sit ups

me=14:30, marcos=10:20, Kirchert=13:52
14m 30s
Performed as RX
mike pace 02/08/2015 boot camp #302..."Because Marcos is AWOL" Deadlifts 225#
single unders

me=15:24, kirchert=14:25, Oneal=12:50
15m 24s
Performed as RX
mike pace 02/07/2015 thrive Racquetball 5514 strides=5.2 miles 5.20 mi
Performed as RX
mike pace 02/06/2015 boot camp #301..."Chuck Norris" 7 RFT
7 back squats
7 deadlifts
7 hang cleans....all 135#
7 push ups

me=25:40, marcos=25:00
25m 40s
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/30/2015 boot camp "Ragone"....#229 Ragone
20 thrusters 95#
20 pull ups
20 push press 95#
20 TTB
20 wall balls
20 back squats 95#
20 kb swings 45#
20 lunges

me=13:24, marcos=10:40, kirchert=14:30
13m 24s
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/29/2015 boot camp #301..."Buck Furpees!" 4 rounds, 1 min at each station...max reps

wall balls
box jumps
hang cleans 115#

me=sing=78-96-90-108 marcos=si=110-118-122-126
wall=20-17-19-21 wall=20-25-30-28
bj=19-17-19-20 bj=21-20-22-23
burp=10-11-11-12 burp=12-15-16-17
hc=13-13-15-16/253 hc=15-16-17-20/316

kirchert=si=104-115-126-116 oneal=78-116-120-130
wall=20-20-22-21 wall=30-30-30-35
bj=18-18-20-18 bj=18-16-17-18
burp=14-12-14-13 burp=18-16-17-18
hc=11-10-10-10 hc=15-19-19-20
total=/251 total/336
4 rounds 253 reps
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/28/2015 boot camp # 300...."Yes"... AMRAP 15

8 hanc cleans 135# or 95#
8 HR push ups

me=7+ rds, kirchert=6+, marcos=9
7 rounds 168 reps
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/24/2015 Thrive Racquetball 7245 strides=6.8mi 6.80 mi
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/23/2015 boot camp "Gordon's H"...#88 Bench 10-8-6-4-2-1

Hang Clean 5-5-3-3-1

me=B/135-250#, HC=135-195#
marcos=B/135-275#, HC=135-175#
Kierchert=B/135-185#, HC=134-140#
Oneal=B/135-205#, HC=135-175#
11 rounds 48 reps
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/22/2015 boot camp #299...Earl's H" 15-12-9-6-3

Thrusters 95#
HR push ups

me=12:35, marcos=8:37, kierchert=12:39, oneal=8:55
12m 35s
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/18/2015 boot #298...21-18-15-12-9-6-3 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
KB 35#
box jumps
sit ups

me14:30, marcos=13:50, kerchert=14:14
14m 30s
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/17/2015 Thrive Racquetball racquetball, me=7688=7.2mi, marcos=3368=3.1, pedometer 7.20 mi
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/16/2015 boot camp #297.."Keep Adding Marcos"... 7 RFT
4 hang cleans 95#
6 front squats 95#
10 push ups

5 pull ups
10 air squats
40 singles, marcos=5:00/3:39=8:39
9m 57s
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/13/2015 Chowchilla Hoops full court, 1.4 miles, pedometer 1.40 mi
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/11/2015 boot camp #296..."Hurt Legs" 18-15-12-9-6-3

deadlifts 135#
wall balls
100 m after each set

me=13:55, kirchert=13:45
13m 55s
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/10/2015 Thrive Racquetball 90 mins...4454 strides=4.1 miles, pedometer 4.10 mi
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/09/2015 boot camp #208..."Deck of Cards" Deck of Cards

Spade=hang cleans 115#
Club= sit ups
Diamonds= Back squats #115
Hearts= HR push ups
joker= 100m run with 45# plate overhead
ace=14, king=13, queen=12, jack=11

me=45:16, marcos=45:10, kirchert=47:15
45m 16s
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/06/2015 church Hoops hoops, .7mi, ped 0.70 mi
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/03/2015 Thrive Racquetball 3 hours, 8103 steps=7.6mi 7.60 mi
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/02/2015 boot camp #295.."Sleepy Hollow" AMRAP 15

Min 1= 10 bench135-175#....1-4-7-10-13
Min 2= 20 sit ups.2-5-8-11-14
Min 3= 40 single unders3-6-9-12-15

15m 00s
Performed as RX
mike pace 01/01/2015 boot camp #82..."Jack-Meoff" Jack---one partner performs, other(s) rest.....

10 PUSH PRESS @ 115#
10 KB, 35#

me/marcos/kirchert....6 rounds
6 rounds 180 reps
Performed as RX
mike pace 12/31/2014 boot camp #294..."New Years Eve" EMOM 20 AMRAP

Odd= 3 bench #135-155 then 10 air squats
Even=3 hang cleans #135 then 10 box jumps
a min to complete each one completed
20 rounds 260 reps
Performed as RX
mike pace 12/22/2014 thrive Racquetball 2 hours, 8107 strides=7.6 miles 7.60 mi
Performed as RX