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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Tom Muller 10/14/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
135-lb. Bench press, 21 reps
21 L-pull-ups
4 rounds 27 reps
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 10/12/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 Burpee box jumps, 20 inches
155-lb. Squat cleans, 10 reps
3 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 10/11/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
135-lb. Snatches, 10 reps
155-lb. Snatches, 10 reps
185-lb. Snatches, 10 reps
205-lb. Snatches, 10 reps
225-lb. Snatches, 10 reps
245-lb. Snatches, max reps
44 reps
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 10/07/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod Weighted dip 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 80 pounds lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 10/04/2014 CFSF John Fenn Burpee Mile One mile of Burpees 1h 33m 00s
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 09/29/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 7 rounds for time of:
45 lb. Dumbbell Thrusters, 7 reps
15 ft. Rope climb, 1 ascent
6m 58s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 09/28/2014 CFSF Riley 1.5 mile run
150 Burpees
1.5 mile run
50m 57s
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 09/26/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
75 lb. Hang power snatch, 21 reps
12 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
18m 28s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 09/24/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 3 rounds:
75 pound SDHP, 21 reps
12 Burpees over the bar
14m 15s
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 09/21/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod Bench press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 185# lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 09/20/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 50 Wall ball shots
155 pound Clean, 30 reps
15 Muscle-ups
14m 39s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 09/18/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 5 rounds:
10 Strict HSPU
20 GHD sit-ups
9m 00s
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 09/10/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 5 rounds:
20 Wall ball shots, 12' target (20/16)
15' L-sit rope climb, 1 ascent
12m 00s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 09/09/2014 CFSF Deadly Runs For time:
225-lb. deadlifts, 21 reps
Run 400 meters
225-lb. deadlifts, 18 reps
Run 400 meters
225-lb. deadlifts, 15 reps
Run 400 meters
225-lb. deadlifts, 12 reps
Run 400 meters
15m 40s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 09/02/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Handstand push-ups
19m 45s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 08/29/2014 CFSF Bad Fran 30-20-10 reps for time of:
95-lb. thrusters
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
12m 25s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 08/24/2014 CFSF Kevin 3 rounds for time of:
185-lb. Deadlifts, 32 reps
32 Hanging hip touches, alternating arms
800-meter Running farmer carry, 15-lb. dumbbells
38m 33s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 08/23/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of 115-lb. power snatches
1 minute of GHD sit-ups
2 minutes of 115-lb. power snatches
2 minutes of GHD sit-ups
3 minutes of 115-lb. power snatches
3 minutes of GHD sit-ups
127 reps
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 08/21/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 Burpee pull-overs
30 Squats
60 seconds of Handstand hold

This is a static handstand hold, not a walk. Only count time while the hands are stationary. If needed, use a wall.
2 rounds 8 reps
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 08/20/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod Split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 185 lbs
Performed as RX
Tom Muller 08/19/2014 CFSF Elizabeth 21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
9m 18s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 08/17/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 10k run 33m 30s
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 08/16/2014 CFSF JBo Complete as many rounds as possible in 28 minutes of:
115-lb. overhead squats, 9 reps
1 legless rope climb, 15-foot rope, beginning from seated
115-lb. bench presses, 12 reps
10 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 08/15/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 165-lb. squat cleans, 1 minute
Rest 3 minutes
185-lb. squat cleans, 1 minute
Rest 3 minutes
205-lb. squat cleans, 1 minute
Rest 3 minutes
165-lb. squat cleans, 1 minute
Rest 3 minutes
185-lb. squat cleans, 1 minute
Rest 3 minutes
205-lb. squat cleans, 1 minute

Try for max reps each round without dropping the barbell.
38 reps
Workout Scaled
Tom Muller 08/13/2014 CFSF CrossFit wod 10 2-minute rounds of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Row for calories

Rest 1 minute between rounds.
73 reps
Performed as RX