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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/19/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Shoulder Press - 1RM Shoulder Press 1-1-1 20-22.5-25 kgs
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/19/2012 CrossFit Wanganui ME Pushups Max consecutive Pushups 30 reps
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/19/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Annie 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
12m 02s
Workout Scaled
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/16/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Squat Clean - 1RM Squat Clean 1-1-1 30-35f-32.5f kgs
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/16/2012 CrossFit Wanganui 111125 Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps 15-15-17.5-20-20 kgs
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/15/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Run 3km Run 3km 17m 13s
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/12/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Burpee Much??? For time:
25 Burpees
25 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24"
25 Burpee Wall Balls
25 Burpee Pull-ups
15m 20s
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/12/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Deadlift - 1RM Deadlift 1-1-1 50-55-60 kgs
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/09/2012 CrossFit Wanganui 110816 Run 5K 31m 36s
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/09/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Nutts For time:
10 Handstand push-ups
112.5kg Deadlift, 15 reps
25 Box jumps, 76cm box
50 Pull-ups
100 Wallball shots, 9kg, 3m
200 Double-unders
Run 400 meters with a 20kg plate
20m 18s
Workout Scaled
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/09/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Power Clean - 1RM Power Clean 1-1-1 25 - 30 - 32.5 kgs
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/07/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Michael Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
23m 24s
Workout Scaled
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/05/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Row Row Row ya Fran Fest 21-15-9 reps of:
Thruster 42.5/32.5kg
Row (Cals)

Part 1) Partner 1 performs whole WOD, then P2 completes whole WOD for time.

Part 2) Partner 1 performs 21 Thrusters, then P2 performs 21 Thrusters. Partner 1 performs 21 cals on rower, P2 Rows...until all 21-15-9 are complete, for time.

Part 3) Partners choose which exercise is their strength and they only do that exercise. E.g. P1 does 21 Thrusters, then P2 does 21 cals on rower, P1 does 15 Thrusters, P2 does 15 cals etc etc for time.
12m 40s
Workout Scaled
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/03/2012 CrossFit Wanganui 111026 Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
3 Wall climbs
10 Up-downs
5 Parallette pass-throughs (forward back = 1)
10 Grasshoppers (right left = 1)

For the wall climbs, toes and chest touch the ground to toes and chest touch the wall. For the up-downs, thighs touch the ground then stand up fully. For the pass-throughs, the hips open at the front and back. For the grasshoppers, the shin contacts the opposite forearm.
6 rounds 8 reps
Workout Scaled
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/02/2012 CrossFit Wanganui Run 3km Run 3km 17m 40s
Performed as RX
Karli Kaea-Norman 02/01/2012 CrossFit Wanganui 2min Challenge - Air Squats 2min AMRAP of:
Air Squats
91 reps
Performed as RX