Teckhua 19


February 26, 2014

Performed at: WAB MS
Workout Name: WOD #9
Description: TABATA Protocol:

20s Work/10s Rest

Jumping Jacks
Push Ups
Results: 12m 00s
Performed as RX
Warmup: 2 Laps of Dome
Cooldown: Put your Homeroom in the notes section. Write a quick reflection in the notes as well using these questions as a guide:

Was I better than last time?
What can I do to be better next time?
Am I happy with my performance?
Athlete's Notes: 1. I felt that I was much better than last time because I had improved greatly on my technique for the exercises and was able to complete almost all of with correct and consistent form. I felt that I was also better than last time because I wasn't as tired at the end of the exercise and I still had some energy left in me.
2. Next time I feel that I can do better by improving my technique for superman and push-ups because I sometimes collapsed during these exercises, which is a major problem for me. I feel that I can improve this by working on my core strength, which will help me control myself better.
3. I am very happy with my performance because I did much better than last time, which is a great improvement. I was also very happy because I was able to complete most of the exercises without collapsing except for superman and push-ups, which I have always had trouble with. Finally, I am very happy with my performance today because it continues my improvement throughout all previous WOD's which was my goal.

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