Teckhua 19


January 16, 2014

Performed at: WAB MS
Workout Name: WOD #4
Description: AMRAP 8 minutes

1 Pull Up
5 Squats
10 Double Unders (DO NOT MODIFY)
Results: 6 rounds 1 reps
Performed as RX
Warmup: 25 Jumping Jacks
50 Single Unders
Cooldown: Put your Homeroom in the notes section. Write a quick reflection in the notes as well using these questions as a guide:

Was I better than last time?
What can I do to be better next time?
Am I happy with my performance?
Athlete's Notes: 1. I was a little better than last time because although I attained the same number of rounds as before, namely 6, I got one rep more than last time, which is some improvement.
2. Next time I would like to improve my back strength and go higher on my pull-up so that I can fully complete it instead of having to have help to pull myself up. Also, I want to increase my leg strength and therefore my jumping height so that I can clear more of the double unders consecutively instead of having to stop after each one because the rope gets stuck in my legs.
3. I am pretty happy with my performance because I did have a little improvement over last time, and although it is quite small, it is the first step to improvement in the long term, which I am happy of.

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