Seth Johnson

5' 7"

August 6, 2018

Performed at: Old City CrossFit
Workout Name: Tabata
Description: HS hold (or free standing/HS walking)
KB Goblet squat 53/35
Push ups
Results: 95 reps
Workout scaled
Modifications at: Wall walk
44# KB
last round off the knees

10 similar workouts

Date Name WorkoutDescription Results
02/19/2020 Tabata Fight Gone Bad Complete 40 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest. Perform 8 consecutive intervals of each of the following exercises:

Wall-ball 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump 20" box (Reps)
Push-press 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

There is no additional rest between exercises.

Each exercise is scored by the weakest number of reps (calories on the rower) in each of the eight intervals. The score is the total of the scores from the five stations.
18 reps
Performed as RX
07/08/2019 12 min TABATA 40/20 x 12
6 Med ball cleans 20/14
9 Burpee over med ball
12 Med ball sit ups 20/14

*Work for 40 sec, rest 20 sec.
*Score is total rounds + reps. Pick up where you left off after each round.
4 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
01/30/2019 TABATA 8 RFR Tabata
Bike cal
Pull ups
Wall balls 20/14
Push ups
KB Swings 53/35
255 reps
Workout Scaled
09/28/2018 Tabata Squats 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, for a total of 8 rounds 92 reps
Performed as RX
08/06/2018 Tabata HS hold (or free standing/HS walking)
KB Goblet squat 53/35
Push ups
95 reps
Workout Scaled
11/22/2017 Tabata Barbell Tabata Barbell
Tabata deadlift 135/95
Tabata hang power clean 115/75
Tabata front squat 95/55
Tabata push press 65/35
191 reps
Workout Scaled
05/25/2017 Air Squat Tabata 8 Rounds Air Squat Tabata
8 Rounds
:20 Max Air Squats
:10 Rest


Run 800 for time
4m 08s
Performed as RX
03/21/2017 Barbell Tabata Hang Power Snatch 135/95
OHS 95/65
Push Press 65/45
111 reps
Workout Scaled
02/10/2017 TABATA 8 RFR Tabata: 8 rounds of each exercise, performed for :20, with rest for :10
Ab Wheel
Pyramid Presses
Wall Balls (20/14)
Slam Balls (20/30)
158 reps
Performed as RX
01/25/2017 Tabata 8 RFR Tabata: 8 rounds of each exercise, performed for :20, with rest for :10
DB RDL (20% BW in each hand)
Bulgarian Split Squat (Alternating legs between rounds, same weight as RDL)
Jump Squats
Sleeping Crabs (Alternating sides between rounds)
182 reps
Workout Scaled