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Lauren Guzik 08/30/2013 CrossFit ATP None Conditioning
5 rounds for total working time:
15 Lateral box jump-overs 24/20
15 Push press 115/75#
Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Note: Lateral jump-overs should be done with a touch on top of the box.
18m 37s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 05/25/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD: 3 rounds of
Waiters Walk 200 ft. (F65/M95)
HSPU 15 reps
Dubs 100
22m 27s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 05/13/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD
100 swings
30 dubs
1 rope
75 swings
60 dubs
1 rope
50 swings
90 dubs
1 rope
25 swings
120 dubs
1 rope
24m 20s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 05/10/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Power Snatch-progression of three pulls
Power Snatch-3-3-3-3-3-3-3
*add weight when needed

35,40,45,50,55,60,65 lbs
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 05/10/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD
Power Snatch-F75/M115
Muscle ups
8m 41s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 05/09/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD
Three rounds
Sleds 200 ft heavy
50 dubs
Wallball-15 reps
18m 36s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 05/07/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD
KB Snatch-F16kg/M24kg
12m 56s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 05/04/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD
Hang Cleans (95/135)
Jump Slam Ball
Floor Wipers
17m 07s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 05/02/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD
Five rounds
OH Plate Walking Lunges 200 ft. (25/45)
HSPU 15 reps
26m 50s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 04/30/2012 CrossFit ATP 04/30/12 Back Squat 1RM

WOD: 4 Rounds:
KB Chest press 15 reps L/R (12/24)
Donkey Kicks 15 reps
Sots Press 15 reps (45/35)
14m 24s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 04/25/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 4 Rounds of
OHS 10 reps (F75/M115)
HSPU 10 reps
Monkey Bars 1 way
400 meters
20m 12s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 04/23/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD Bring your running shoes and jumprope !!!!
1 mile
250 dubs
1 mile
250 dubs
1 mile
49m 42s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 04/20/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD: 3 Rounds

Muscle-Ups 10 reps
Power Clean 12 reps (95/135)
Box Jumps 15 reps
Dubs 30 reps
14m 49s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 04/18/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD: 4 Rounds
Reverse Lunges 10 reps L/R (95/135)
KB OHSwing 15 reps (20/32kg)
400 meters
23m 08s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 04/16/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD 5 rounds for max weight:

7x through, rest anywhere but the floor...

Power Clean

Front Squat

Shoulder to Overhead

Back Squat

Shoulder to Overhead

*add 10lbs after each round
*10 burpee penalty for resting bar on floor,before completing round!
18m 59s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 04/13/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD:
800 meters
100 Air Squats
50 AbMat Sit-ups
30m 14s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 04/11/2012 CrossFit ATP None WOD:
5 Rounds:
Push Press 8 (95/135)
Sled Push 100 ft.
400 meters
25m 32s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 04/08/2012 CrossFit ATP 04/09/12 5-3-1
Back Squat
90%x3 or almost failure

Deadlift (165/225)
9m 37s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 04/05/2012 CrossFit ATP Skill/Strength Skill
Clean-progression of lift (full squat)
125 lbs
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 04/05/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD
Muscle ups
6m 26s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 04/03/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD WOD
Three rounds
SDLHP-12 reps F75/M115
Pullups-12 reps
800 meters
24m 08s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 04/02/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD 5-3-1
Back Squat
85%x5 or almost till failure

Front Squat-F95/M135
400 meters
29m 26s
Performed as RX
Lauren Guzik 03/28/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD 5-3-1 Strict Press

Four rounds
DL-15 reps F155/M205
Wallball-15 reps F14/M20
400 meters
28m 08s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 03/26/2012 CrossFit ATP WOD Start 400 meters
Jump Squat
Pushup release
Push Press-F65/M95
Double Unders
Back Squat
Box Jumps
Ring Dips
Finish 400 meters
*35 reps of everything!
31m 30s
Workout Scaled
Lauren Guzik 03/23/2012 CrossFit ATP CrossFit Games Open 12.5 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
M 100 pound/F 65 pound Thruster, 3 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 9 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 12 reps
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 18 reps
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100/65 pound Thruster, 21 reps
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups...

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
69 reps
Performed as RX