Thursday, July 12, 2012Class:
All Description:
Strength - back squat - using 90% of your 1rm perform the following
5 reps@65% 5 reps@75% 5 plus reps@85% WOD: 40 pull-ups 400m run 50 kb swings 50/35# 800m run 60 push-ups 1mile run 70 squats Performed by 0 athletes
Male RX:
Female RX:
Male Scaled:
Female Scaled:
Wednesday, July 11, 2012Class:
All Description:
Strength - bench press - using 90% of your 1rm perform the following
5 reps@65% 5 reps@75% 5 plus reps@85% WOD: 12min amrap: 12 OH walking lunges 115/75# barbell 12 box jumps 12 power snatch 115/75# Performed by 0 athletes
Male RX:
Female RX:
Male Scaled:
Female Scaled:
Tuesday, July 10, 2012Class:
All Description:
Strength - deadlift - using 90% of your 1rm perform the following
5 reps@65% 5 reps@75% 5 plus reps@85% WOD: 15 hang power cleans 95/65# run 400m 15 squat cleans 115/75# run 400m 15 clean and jerks 135/95# run 400m Performed by 0 athletes
Male RX:
Female RX:
Male Scaled:
Female Scaled: