10 airsquats
10 pushups
30 mountain climbers
50 jumping jacks
Workout Name:
8-22-12 wod
2 team wods
Against a four-minute running clock, complete the following:
400 meter run
max burpees in remaining time.
team completes five rounds. (yes, there is an odd number, so one teammate will run three times and the other only twice)
*one teammate runs 400 meters. Second teammate waits for their partner to come back from the run before starting the burpees.
** teammates alternate movements between rounds.
SCORE=total # burpees
Against a four-minute running clock, complete the following:
500 Meter Row
Double-Unders x Max Reps
team completes five rounds. (One teammate will row three times the other twice.)
*one teammate rows 500 meters. Second teammate waits for their partner to finish the row before starting the doudle-unders
** teammates alternate movements between rounds.
SCORE=total # double-unders