Gregory Davis


July 31, 2014

Performed at: CrossFit Pintados
Workout Name: The Shed
Description: For time.

3 rope climbs* (Intermediate: 2 rope climbs, Novice: 6 rope lay downs)

200m Db Farmer Carry (45/30)

30 overhead squat (Advanced: 42.5kg, Intermediate*: 25kg, Novice: 15kg)

600m run (run the 400m loop, then the 200m loop)

30 right arm, 30 left arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge (Advanced: 45lb, Intermediate*: 30lb, Novice: 15lbs)

16 HSPU (Intermediate*: 2 abmats, Novice: decline push ups with toes on box)

30 box jump (Advanced*: 24, Intermediate: 20, Novice: 12)

60 kettlebell swings (Advanced: 16kg, Intermediate*: 12kg, Novice: 18lb kb or 15lb dumbbell)

*Womens Rx

Scaling Guide: 25 minute cutoff, it would be wise to scale it so that you plan on finishing around 18-22 minutes. Scale up option 5 rope climbs, 1000m row, 26 HSPU (ladies do 16 head to floor), 50 box jumps, 53lb kb swing. . . same time limit.

Coaching Tips: Dont go too hard on the row if those overhead squats look daunting. Go ahead and run hard since the lunges are not too technical (and you will catch your wind on the lunges and HSPU). Be careful with the kb swings, 60 is no joke! Break them up into smaller sets and be sure to keep that chest up!

*Womens As Prescribed weights and reps (Rx)
Results: 23m 11s
Performed as RX
Cooldown: Leg strech, arm streach

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