Jonathan Schabruch


July 30, 2014

Performed at: Sheepdog CrossFit
Workout Name: Outlaw 140730
Description: BBG

1) Power Snatch: 2RM (drop first rep) - 2X1@95%, 2X1@90%

Note: This is not a jumping jack Power Snatch. The goal is not to pull as hard as possible and hope that your MCL doesnt snap when you catch. The goal is to receive the bar as high as possible, but with THE EXACT SAME MECHANICS as if you were catching in a full squat. Your first missed Power Snatch of this session should be because you accidentally caught in a full squat.

2) Snatch Balance: 4X3@100-120% of max double from #1


1a) 4XME Pause Back Squats @ 80% (STRICT 3 second pause in the bottom at absolute bottom depth - NO PAUSE FOR BREATH at the top) - rest 90 seconds

1b) 4X1:00 (total) Freestanding Handstand Hold - accumulate 1:00 total hold even if broken, rest 90 seconds


12 minute AMRAP of:

10 TTB
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
30 Lateral Jumps over 12" hurdle (each jump counts one rep)

Note: Go hard at the beginning of the piece, then when pace tapers off complete each round UB and as fast as possible. Do not rest during rounds.
Results: 5 rounds 10 reps
Performed as RX
Athlete's Notes: Home. BBG 1) 155-165-175-185(PR). 2) 185-185-185(1)-185(1+1 OHS). A) 265# 3-3-3-3. B) Done. WOD hurt after all that. Unbroken except for 1st round of lat jumps (couldn't find rhythm).

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