Michelle Li


February 28, 2014

Performed at: WAB MS
Workout Name: WOD #10 - ANNIE
Description: Start and time yourself:

Annie (for time)

50-40-30-20-10 (50 Doubles/50Sit ups/40Doubles/40Situps etc.)

Double Unders (Must attempt DOUBLES; 3 attempts = 1 Double Under)

Sit Ups
Results: 24m 40s
Performed as RX
Warmup: 25 Single unders + 20 Jumping Jacks + 10 Push-ups + 25 Single Unders
Cooldown: Put your Homeroom in the notes section. Write a quick reflection in the notes as well using these questions as a guide:

Was I better than last time?
What can I do to be better next time?
Am I happy with my performance?
Athlete's Notes: 7-5
Was I better than last time?
Last time I got 5:55 but I did single undes last time and this time I did double unders, that means I can't really say I did better or worse.
What can I do to be better next time?
Next time, I can try to do more attempts at double unders (since they count) and not give up as easily.
Am I happy with my performance?
I am not happy with my performance because I gave up really easily when doing the double unders.

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