Ruel Ong

Las Vegas, Nevada
6' 1"
235 lbs

February 18, 2012

Performed at: CR8 CrossFit
Workout Name: Team WOD - 18 Feb 12
Description: 15 min AMRAP (Clock runs continuously)

5 min:
3 American KB Swings
7 Air Squats

5 min:
3 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)
7 Hand-Release Push-Ups

5 min:
3 2-Handed Push Press
7 Med Ball Sit-Ups
Results: 28 rounds 0 reps
Workout scaled
Modifications at: Used 40 lb dumbbell. Didnt have a medicine ball so I used an official basketball and did 10 situp. Didnt have a partner so I counted to 15-17 seconds between rounds. Only counted my own rounds. BTW hit my front tooth doing a 2 hand push press w/ the dumbbell. Lucky it didn't crack, it would of been F'd up!
Warmup: Dynamic ROM/Stretching
3 rounds
25 jumping jacks
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 squats
Athlete's Notes: Put it on the Modifications!

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