Michele Stevenson

Hackettstown, New Jersey
5' 3"

November 23, 2013

Performed at: Blue Titan, Rockaway CrossFit
Workout Name: Drago and Death
Description: 15 Minute AMRAP

You may break up the following exercises however you like. The goal is to get as many reps as you can in the time limit.
150 Double Unders
45 GHD Situps or 2tb
60 ball slams 20
30 Hand Release Push-Ups
90 Thrusters @ 45#
30 Russian Twists with slamball
15 Clean & Jerk @ 135#
800m run

Rest 3 minutes

Death by air squats - start at 20 in the first minute
rest 3 minute
Death by power cleans - start at 10 the first minute
rest 3 minutes
Death by box jumps - start at 15 the first minute
Results: 15m 00s
Workout scaled
Modifications at: 220 plus 300 single jump ropes
Warmup: Typical loosening up.
Body movements and agility

10 strict pull ups
Cooldown: Death by mobility and rolling out.

Maybe something nasty, depends on my mood

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