Kristen Drake


July 30, 2013

Performed at: Sheepdog CrossFit
Description: WOD 130729:

1) 15 minutes to establish a 1RM 2 Position Hang Snatch (low hang-2 from floor- to the hang at the top of the knees).

2) 3X1 2 Position Hang Snatch @ 90% of 1RM from #1 rest 90 sec.

3a) 5X2 Snatch First Pull (top of knee) heavier then last week, rest 60 sec.
3b) 55 Pendlay Row heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.

Note: Make absolutely sure that every portion of the First Pulls perfectly mimics the bar track of your Snatchespecially the isometric portion.


7 rounds for total reps of:

2 minute AMRAP of-

30 Double-Unders
ME Muscle-Ups (7 rep cap)
ME Burpees

*Rest 1 minute.

Notes: The cap on Muscle-Ups is 7 reps. Once you hit this cap, immediately drop down and perform ME Burpees with the remainder of the 2 minute cycle.
Results: 20m 00s
Performed as RX
Athlete's Notes: 1RM: 45x2/65x2/70/75/80/85F;
3x1: @ 75;
5x2 1st pull: 85/95/95/105/105;
5x5 row: 95;
Conditioning: alternated rnds 1st rnd du, 2nd rnd pullups/dips, 3rd du, etc::13du, 3 sets+3 pu, 13du, 3 sets, 21du, 3 sets, 22 du (could not make 30 du in 2 min :( and wanted more practice pu/dip)

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