Kristen Drake


April 28, 2013

Performed at: Sheepdog CrossFit
Description: WOD 120426:


1a) 7X3 Banded Deadlifts @ 55% Bar Weight + 25% Band Tension rest exactly 60 seconds.

1b) 7X3 Bench Press heaviest possible/heavier than last week, rest exactly 60 seconds.

Notes: Work up to a nearly maximal load by the 4th or 5th set. Try to increase slightly from last week, and maintain over the remainder of the sets. All reps must be performed with the hips (ass) in contact with the bench.


15 minutes alternating Triple-Under and Freestanding Handstand & Freestanding HSPU practice.

Conditioning (2 parts)

Part 1-

10 minute AMRAP of:

10 Pullups
15 Hang Power Snatches @ 75/55#
20 Pushups

*Notes: Part 2 should be done separately if time allows. Also, if you are able, the preference is for it to be performed on a track to allow for exact measurement.

Part 2-

4X400m Run rest 1:2, 1:1.5, 1:1, all repeats should be at 100% effort.
Results: 10m 00s
Performed as RX
Athlete's Notes: DL's: (no bands) 3 sets @ 135#, last 4 sets @ 145#;
BP: 75, 85, 95, 95, 105, 105, 105;
double under and hs walk practice--ok;
AMRAP: as rx, 1 round, 29 reps;
4X400: 1:33, 1:35, 1:40, 1:41

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