Jonathan Schabruch


July 8, 2023

Performed at: Sheepdog CrossFit
Description: With a partner

Buy in
2:30 - one arm overhead alternating reverse lunges, 35# dumbbell (one partner working at a time, switch as needed)

Immediately into 10 rounds of:
2:30 intervals
One partner runs 4 x 50m shuttle then max back squats at 135# (from the ground) in remaining time.
One partner does 8 strict pull ups then max burpees in remaining time.
Then partners switch for next 2:30 interval.
There is one 2:30 rest period halfway through.

Cash out
2:30 - one arm overhead alternating reverse lunges, 35# dumbbell (one partner working at a time, switch as needed)

Score is total back squats, burpees, and lunges completed.
Results: 377 reps
Performed as RX
Athlete's Notes: With a guy named Kevin at Risen Strength. This hurt. We did 53 lunges to start, 51 at the end. My reps were back squat - 19-15-13-12-13. Burpees 29-26-28-20-18

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