Joshua Crews

Gainesville, FL
6' 1"
225 lbs

March 9, 2016

Performed at: Sheepdog CrossFit
Workout Name: Invictus 160309
Description: A.
Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes:
Minutes 1-2, 7-8 & 13-14: Muscle-Ups with a Pause at Receiving and Pause at Full Extension x 2-5 reps
Minutes 3-4, 9-10 & 15-16: Handstand Walk x 10 meters
Minutes 5-6, 11-12 & 17-18: Strict Toes to Bar x 5-8 reps @ 3111

Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets):
Row 500 Meters
40 Double-Unders
20 Push-Ups

Alternatively, perform in teams of two as quickly as possible. As soon as the Concept 2 is available, the next person may start rowing. Goal is for both partners to finish their 5 sets as quickly as possible.
Results: 21m 41s
Performed as RX
Athlete's Notes: I didn't like "A"
I completed 4 Chest to bars and 4 ring dips in place of muscle ups. Completed 8 reps of each toes to bar. I did them strict, but my dissent was faster than 3 seconds. Handstand walks were broken, but completeled.

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