Reed Lyons


October 23, 2015

Performed at: PilotFit
Workout Name: Treadmill Ladder
Results: 8m 00s
Performed as RX
Warmup: Start at 10 degrees incline and 4 mph. Every minute lower by 1 degree and increase .5 mph. At 11 minutes you are flat and 9 mph. After that each minute decrease .5 mph and increase 1 degree. Keep up the pattern until you get off the treadmill.

5 similar workouts

Date Name WorkoutDescription Results
12/01/2017 Treadmill Ladder Start at 0 degrees incline and 9 mph. At every minute increase incline by 1 degree and decrease speed .5 mph. At 11 minutes you are running at 4 mph with a 10 degree incline. Continue going back up the ladder. At each minute decrease the incline 1 degree and increase the speed .5 mph.

Keep up the pattern until you get off the treadmill.

Each minute is one round. Each second is one rep.
15 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
02/12/2016 Treadmill Ladder - From the bottom Start at 0 degrees incline and 9 mph. At every minute increase incline by 1 degree and decrease speed .5 mph. At 11 minutes you are running at 4 mph with a 10 degree incline. Continue going back up the ladder. At each minute decrease the incline 1 degree and increase the speed .5 mph.

Keep up the pattern until you get off the treadmill.

Each minute is one round. Each second is one rep.
10 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
02/12/2016 Treadmill Ladder - From the bottom Start at 0 degrees incline and 9 mph. At every minute increase incline by 1 degree and decrease speed .5 mph. At 11 minutes you are running at 4 mph with a 10 degree incline. Continue going back up the ladder. At each minute decrease the incline 1 degree and increase the speed .5 mph.

Keep up the pattern until you get off the treadmill.

Each minute is one round. Each second is one rep.
10 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
10/23/2015 Treadmill Ladder 8m 00s
Performed as RX
01/16/2015 Treadmill Ladder Start at 10 degrees incline and 4 mph. Every minute lower by 1 degree and increase .5 mph. At 11 minutes you are flat and 9 mph. After that each minute decrease .5 mph and increase 1 degree. Keep up the pattern until you get off the treadmill. 11m 00s
Performed as RX