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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
johnny jarvis 10/23/2013 CrossFit Pathos Annie 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
5m 38s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 10/16/2013 CrossFit Pathos Helen Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
9m 45s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 09/12/2013 CrossFit Pathos Angie For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats
18m 59s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 07/11/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Close Grip Bench Press 3-2-1 Cluster Sets, 3 rounds 185 lbs
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 06/22/2013 CrossFit Pathos Chelsea Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
25 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 06/22/2013 CrossFit Pathos 60 Yard Pro Long Shuttle Complete 4-6 reps:

*Long Shuttle: From a starting line, run 5 yards straight ahead and back pedal to the starting line, then 10 yards and back, then 15 yards and back. Bend down and touch the line at each 5, 10, 15 yard intervals. You end up with a total of 6 touches and 60 yards.

*Warm up as needed and you have 4-6 efforts to find your fastest pro long shuttle.
0m 17s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 06/21/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Power Clean, 3RM 195 lbs
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 06/20/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Box Jump 3RM 40 in
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 06/20/2013 CrossFit Pathos None 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Front Squat, 185/135lbs
10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100 Double Unders
32m 52s
Workout Scaled
johnny jarvis 06/20/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Close Grip Bench Press 5x5 @ 90% of 5RM 170 lbs
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 06/18/2013 CrossFit Pathos Gallant For time:
Run 1 mile with a 20 pound medicine ball
60 Burpee pull-ups
Run 800 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
30 Burpee pull-ups
Run 400 meters with a 20 pound medicine ball
15 Burpee pull-ups
37m 03s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 05/21/2013 CrossFit Pathos Jackie 1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups
8m 56s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 05/18/2013 CrossFit Pathos Barbara Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
39m 23s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 05/07/2013 CrossFit Pathos Fran Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
7m 08s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 05/07/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Deadlift 5RM 300 lbs
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 04/30/2013 CrossFit Pathos Eva Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 30 reps
30 Pull-ups
59m 16s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 04/29/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Weighted Reverse Grip Chest to Bar Pull-ups 3RM (do this in 3-5 sets)
35 lbs
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 04/23/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Overhead Squat 3RM
Overhead Squat 1 x Max Reps @75% 3RM
155 lbs
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 04/23/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Deadlift 5RM
295 lbs
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 04/23/2013 CrossFit Pathos None 15 Minute AMRAP:
1 Rope Climb
20 Alternating Arm Kettlebell Swings, 1.5/1.0pood
10 Plyo Push Ups

*Perform a plyo push up by placing one hand on a 45 lbs plate and the other on the floor, perform an explosive push up that allows you to transition the hand on the floor to hand on the plate

8m 04s
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 04/19/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Bench Press 3x5 170 lbs
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 04/19/2013 CrossFit Pathos None Rack Jerk, 1 RM 205 lbs
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 04/19/2013 CrossFit Pathos Jorge For time:
30 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 15 reps
24 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 12 reps
18 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 9 reps
12 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 6 reps
6 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 3 reps
16m 05s
Workout Scaled
johnny jarvis 04/18/2013 CrossFit Pathos None 8 Minutes:
Row 1000 Meters
With Remaining time AMRAP
1+1, 2+2, 3+3
Muscle Ups (If you cant do MU, you will do equal number of Chest to bar or Ring Rows and Push-ups)
Box Jumps 30/24

2 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
johnny jarvis 04/18/2013 CrossFit Pathos None 10 Rounds: every 45sec, 1 Halting Clean Deadlift (Pause for 3 seconds, just above knees) + 1 Low Hang Squat Clean + 1 Push Jerk

135 lbs
Performed as RX