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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Jason Bentz 02/05/2013 CrossFit Eclipse Randy 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 6m 14s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 02/04/2013 CrossFit Eclipse mel 5 rounds
100 meter run
10 x burpees
10 x push ups
10 x mountain climbers
10 x sit ups
10 squats
9m 33s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 02/03/2013 CrossFit Eclipse push jerk push jerk
8 x 3 reps at 70%
150 lbs
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 02/03/2013 CrossFit Eclipse Helen Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
10m 39s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 02/01/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None back squat 8 x 3 reps at 70% 205 lbs
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 02/01/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
5 handstand push up
10 one legged squats
15 burpees
8 rounds 3 reps
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/29/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None split jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps

205 lbs
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/29/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None 21-15-9 reps
sumo deadlift high pull (95/65 lbs)
lateral jumps over the bar
2m 14s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/25/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None 5 rounds
10 x clean and jerk ( 155/108lbs)
15 x toes to bar
26m 14s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/23/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None 5 rounds
500 meter row
20 burpees
15 pendlay row (115/80 lbs)
22m 38s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/22/2013 CrossFit Eclipse Moore Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up
60 reps
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/21/2013 CrossFit Eclipse snatch 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 reps 165 lbs
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/21/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None row 500 meters
30 hand release push ups
row 300 meters
20 hand release push ups
row 100 meters
10 hand release push ups
4m 55s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/20/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 20 minutes:

5 chest to bar pull ups

10 wall balls ( 20/14 lbs) at 10 foot target

15 kettlebell swings ( 55/35 lbs)
7 rounds 22 reps
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/17/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None 7 rounds for time
12 thrusters ( 75/55 lbs)
9 toes to bar
200 meter run/row
18m 06s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/17/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None 30 handstand push ups

50 back extensions

30 knees to elbows

30 deadlifts ( 225/155 lbs)

30 dumbbell push press ( 40/30 lbs)

50 kettlebell swings ( 55/35 lbs)

row 20 calories

10 muscle ups
31m 52s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/15/2013 CrossFit Eclipse nasty boys 3 rounds
50 squats
7 bar muscle ups
10 hang power snatch (135/95lbs)
23m 37s
Workout Scaled
Jason Bentz 01/13/2013 CrossFit Eclipse Tabata This Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is "calories".
46 reps
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/12/2013 CrossFit Eclipse rowing michael 3 rounds
row 800 meters
50 back extensions
50 sit ups
26m 34s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/09/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None five rounds:
7 deadlift ( 275/190 lbs)
30 squats
7 handstand push ups
16m 40s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/08/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None for time:

30 overhead squats (95/65lbs)

7 muscle ups/bar muscle ups

20 overhead squats (95/65 lbs)

6 muscle ups/bar muscle ups
11m 19s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/07/2013 CrossFit Eclipse rockstar Five rounds for time:

50 double unders

10 push jerks ( 185/130lbs)

rest 1 minute
25m 42s
Workout Scaled
Jason Bentz 01/07/2013 CrossFit Eclipse clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3reps clean ( squat or power)
205 lbs
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/07/2013 CrossFit Eclipse None 3 rounds for time
50 squats
25 sit ups
5m 27s
Performed as RX
Jason Bentz 01/04/2013 CrossFit Eclipse communication breakdown 5 rounds for time

20 push press ( 95/65lbs)

30 box jumps (24/20")

40 hand release push ups

50 double unders
33m 24s
Performed as RX